MSU UBF Annual Report 2013

March 10, 2014

1. 2013 review

Through Friday night group Bible study and Sunday services we studied Luke’s gospel, 1st through 3rd letters of John for the Christian brothers and sisters and the book of Isaiah through which we are learning the broken heart of God for his unrepentant people. Troy, Dean, Zuri and Jesse had Bible studies with our co-workers. There was no visible progress but Missionaries Esther Paik and Teresa Myall have been visiting campus diligently and meeting students faithfully. May God accept their efforts as prayer offering and send us many new Bible students from MSU this year.
We had an Easter retreat the first weekend of April and renewed our resurrection faith through the study of John’s gospel. God sent us coworkers from Baebong and Anam UBF in Korea and Dr. Luke Lim’s family from Uganda before and after the IU international summer conference to have blessed fellowship and we were mutually, greatly encouraged. God helped women coworkers to have prayer meeting with Missionary Hannah Koo in Columbia MO through Skype. God also sent the Myall family and Missionary Ruth Muchiri to visit Dr. Abraham and Hannah Koo’s family to have fellowship and encourage each other. Peter, Ruth and John Yoon participated in the medical mission to Uganda and saw God’s vision. God sent Missionaries Joshua and Sarah Lee and their daughter Hannah to Indianapolis, IN to join the pioneering ministry of David and Joy Kim after serving MSU for three years. We thank God for many blessings among our coworkers. The Myall family has been blessed to settle in East Lansing and became good co-workers for the work of God. Ruth Muchiri has been faithful to serve God and his people and is making progress in her Ph. D. study. Esther Paik has grown in her shepherd heart to take care of college students. The Yoon family has been on our knees to ask God’s mercy and grace through difficult times and we came closer to God. Based on Hebrews 3:1, we prayed to “fix our thoughts on Jesus” in the midst of daily challenges and struggles.

2. 2014 Vision and Strategy
We chose Amos 5:6a as our key verse: “Seek the Lord and live.” Based on this verse, we want to seek God and live. The Yoon family --Peter, Ruth, John, Sam and Elise-- may continue to seek God wholeheartedly so that we may live before God. We want to study the Book of Isaiah continually this year. May God continue to raise shepherd Rockey Myall as a messenger of His word on Sundays and bless his family to be a blessing to MSU students. May God bless Ruth Muchiri to complete her PhD study and establish a house church with a man of God. Esther Paik may grow in her faith and shepherd heart continually and God may guide her to the right place for PhD study. We also want to continue to support University of Missouri, Columbia ministry and Uganda ministry through prayer and practical support. We pray to have Easter and summer Bible conference. We want to be engaged in active 1:1 Bible study with MSU students through diligent campus visiting.