Calgary UBF Annual Report, 2013

Calgary UBF, Canada
March 12, 2014

I. 2013 Annual Review

My annual key verse for 2013 was Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” We studied Matthew’s gospel, Romans and several special lectures. We wanted to make a spiritual breakthrough in each person’s life and ministry through prayer and deep Bible study. I believe that God blessed our worship service, and worked in and through us to change us with His power and gentle words.
Thank God for blessing us to serve University of Calgary students. We didn’t have faithful Bible students, but shared the gospel message with students on campus. We continue to pray to raise up one Abraham and Sarah of faith among U of Calgary students.
My children grew up healthy in God’s caring hands. Esther learned piano and served as a pianist during worship service. She had a chance to make UBF friends around her age when she visited Korea twice last year. Daniel was an obedient son to us. Joseph got a little more mature in many ways. We pray that they may grow up as God’s children who know God’s grace and love and serve Him in their generation.
We thank God for M. Abraham and Sarah Lee’s encouragement and prayer for us. May God grant them a permanent residency visa this year. We also thank God for having the chance to have fellowship with Shepherd Daniel Hur from Yonhee UBF.
Last January, I learned that my mom was in a terminal stage of gallbladder cancer. It was quite shocking because she had been very healthy throughout her entire life. My family had just become financially stable, so I was planning to visit Korea and spend more time with my mom because I had deep longings to make a deeper relationship with her. My mom was always like a closed book to me and was the source of all my sorrows in my childhood. So I needed time to sort things out with her and get to know her. However, the news that she was in a terminal stage made me realize that we might have limited time together.
I visited her three times including her funeral service, and could spend time with her for about 2.5 months. By God’s grace I could spend quality time with her in spring and summer, and we talked about many things, and shared gospel with her. Many of God’s servants from UBF and the church where my mom used to attend helped her with prayer and the word of God. Before accepting the gospel, she had a nightmare that some guys snatched and took her away. But after accepting Jesus as her Savior, she had faith in Jesus and had no more nightmares, but only peace. Thank God for having my mom in your eternal Kingdom so that we may see each other someday.
I thank many UBF friends for their prayers and love while my family was in Korea. Thank God for the fellowship we had with the coworkers in Wharang and Dongkyo UBF chapters. I don’t know how to thank them for their love. Especially I thank God for Shepherd Philip and Eunice Lee, and Shepherd Elijah and Sunhee Lee, Pastor Abraham T. and Sarah Kim for their sacrificial love and prayers for us and my mom.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

A. 2014 Key Verse
My annual key verse in 2014 is Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” I chose this verse again to experience God and His victory through prayer and the word. Prayer and the ministry of God’s word is the true key to spiritual victory and growth. May God help me to grow and understand God’s love and grace deeply and be a steward of the ministry of the word at the University of Calgary.

B. Conference and Bible School Plans
May God bless the North American staff conference and the Canadian regional conference this year.

C. Prayer Topics
1. Dedicating ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word
2. 24 1:1 Bible studies; 20 Sunday worshipers
3. One Abraham and one Sarah of faith
4. One humble coworker family
5. Grow our children as 2nd generation missionaries
6. Shepherd Philip Lee may be healed completely

One Word: Dedicating ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.

Matthew Jun