Guelph UBF Annual Report 2013, Canada

Guelph, Ontario. Canada
March 14, 2014


1 Peter 5:2

I. Annual review of 2013

Last year, I wanted to grow as a workman approved by God by holding on to 2 Timothy 2:15. Despite all my sins and short-comings, God helped me sustain my spiritual life of mission. Last year was the year of personal struggle before God. I began to understand a little bit more about the meaning of broken relationships with people. I thank God and his Son Jesus who does not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoldering wick. God helped me understand the importance of having personal faith. I also thank God for helping me to come to Jesus through personal struggles. May God help me to grow as a faithful, trustworthy workman for his flock.

• The work of God in 2013
We studied Revelation, Galatians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians. We used Bible study materials and video tapes through Vimeo. I thank God for coworkers in Chicago UBF HQ who made all the study materials available. Because of house church settings, Guelph UBF does not have much chance to interact with others through Bible study. However, God provided many resources to study the Bible through the Internet such as google plus and Skype. With Dr. Paul Hong and other coworkers, I studied Judges, 1 and 2 Timothy. With Dr. Mark Yang and other coworkers, I studied Philippians. With Missionary Daniel Rhee, I studied Luke’s gospel. I also joined 1 and 2 Kings study with GTA coworkers. Shepherd Joshua Lee from Korea visited Guelph and prayed for us. God helped me to sustain strength and spirit through the Bible studies and fellowship. I thank God for many servants who love the words of God and build up the work of God together.

By the grace of God we invited Dr. Stephen Ahn from Hannam UBF, Korea for a Revelation lecture right after USA/Canada staff conference in February. Dr. Ahn served the summary of the Revelation for GTA coworkers in Toronto UBF, followed by Montreal and North York UBF. Guelph UBF studied Revelation since 2012, but it was not easy to understand the contents due to a lack of study material in UBF and diverse theological interpretations. Dr. Ahn served the Revelation lecture from the point of view of reformed theology concisely. It was very beneficial for me to understand the book of Revelation with key points. We had mutual encouragement and fellowship in Christ through his visit to Canada.

Missionary Daniel Rhee and M. Miso Rhee from South Africa visited Guelph UBF after the International Summer Bible Conference at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Missionary Daniel Rhee prepared a special lecture based on Numbers and served Canadian coworkers from GTA, Montreal, North York, Ryerson, Hamilton, Waterloo, Guelph, and some coworkers from New York UBF. His lecture was profound and very realistic; all the attendants enjoyed it very much. We felt as if we had another spiritual banquet after the ISBC. I thank God for his exemplary life of faith and mission.

Sarah Oh came back to Guelph after she finished her Master’s degree in Australia. May God continue to grow her as a woman of God. God sent Johnson Cai from Edmonton UBF. He is doing a Master’s program at U of G. We have been studying Genesis. May God help him to have personal faith through the Bible. James Jr. is in his last year of U of Western, Ontario. By God’s grace, he and Samuel Yoon of Waterloo UBF served dancing in the 2013 ISBC. Thank God for M. Isaac Sung and many of the London coworkers who have been praying and taking care of him. Grace Jr. has been in Ryerson UBF. I thank Ryerson coworkers and M. Anna Kim for their labor of love and prayer for her. God sent one professor from U of G, one in doctoral, and one in Master’s program. May God grant me faith and wisdom to serve them with a shepherd heart.
Geographically, Guelph is located about one hour driving distance from Toronto, Hamilton, Waterloo, and London, so that we had close relationship with other coworkers. I thank God for their prayer support. We had our Easter retreat together with Ryerson and Ottawa. Christmas worship was done with Waterloo and Hamilton.

II. Vision and strategy of 2014
As many senior coworkers have experienced, I also have a generation gap between students in campus. Frankly speaking, I cannot be their friend. But I can be their good uncle or parent-like shepherd. The issue is that I have to stay young and dynamic in spirit. I cannot run together with them, but I can play a good supporting role to help them to grow. It is possible when I have Jesus’ shepherd heart. When I review myself last year, I felt that Bible study was habitual, and my life of faith seemed to be no more than a daily routine. I felt like I was a fermented old wineskin, like one of the Pharisees who had outward form but no content. May God renew my heart and spirit and grant me his strength and wisdom to help them to grow in Jesus.
These days I struggle to understand the young generation and pay more attention to them in conversation. When I approached them with an open mind, non-judgmental attitude, they began to talk. I saw a great improvement in communication and in understanding the young generation. May God grant me a learning mind to learn from them and to grasp the significance of their needs to be a friend and shepherd. May God raise young spiritual leaders in U of Guelph ministry

My 2014 key verse is: 1 Peter 5:2 “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing…”
When I look around me, there are so many people who need my prayer and care. But I neglected my shepherd role due to my selfishness. Regardless of any problems I have, God called me to be a shepherd of his flock. May God help me to learn more of Jesus’ shepherd heart this year.

Prayer topics:
1. Personal Bible study and prayer
2. Be a shepherd of God’s flock joyfully and willingly
3. Raise Jesus’ disciples
4. Grow 2nd gens as faithful coworkers

James Oh
