Denver UBF Report

Denver UBF
March 3, 2014

I. 2013 Annual Review

Key verse: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Thank God for guiding us through the year 2013! God gave me the confidence of faith through Paul's confession. Paul was in chains, but he did not complain about his situation. He said that he could do all things through Christ who gives him strength. It was Paul's confidence and faith in Christ. As God's servants, we can have the same confidence in doing the work of God. Even though we had many challenges, God helped us to have the confident faith to do the work of God.
Missionary Joseph and Rebekah had to deal with H1-B visa expiration. Through Missionary Joseph's company support, the application for the permanent residency was filed, but the application was not processed until H1-B visa was expired. So Missionary Joseph had to go back to Korea and apply for the extension of H1-B visa for the period that he did not stay in USA which was three months. Missionary Joseph had to stay in Korea for two months while Missionary Rebekah remained in Denver. The application was also complicated. It required additional documents. But Missionary Joseph and Rebekah were patient to follow God's guidance trusting in God that God called them to serve campus mission in Denver. Thank God for guiding missionary Joseph and Rebekah to have confidence in God.

Missionary Abe and Esther Park prayed for God's guidance for the faculty position for Missionary Abe. God answered their prayers and allowed them a faculty position in Korea. Thank God for guiding Missionary Abe and Esther’s family while they stayed in Boulder co-working with us.
This year, Brian followed God's guidance in his marriage trusting that God will provide him with the proper coworker. It could be easy for him to be impatient, but he learned to trust in the Lord throughout the year. I pray that God may guide him to meet the right coworker in 2014.

For the international conference, we were able to partially support two students from Baebong UBF to attend the conference, so that they may grow spiritually seeing the work of God. Personally, I had many challenges, but God encouraged me to hold onto his calling and promise. Thank God for his encouragement to have the confidence of faith to follow his promise and his guidance in the year 2013.

Bible Study

This year we finished Matthew and Galatians and began studying John. Through the study of Matthew, we learned Jesus' mercy and grace. Through studying Galatians, we learned gospel faith and we were encouraged to hold onto the promise of God. While studying Matthew's gospel, our men missionaries served the message. Through serving the Sunday message, they learned the word of God deeply and personally. Thank God for allowing us to study his word this year!

1:1 Ministry

This year God sent Bible students Brian and Rachel faithfully. Brian sincerely learned to trust in the Lord through 1:1 Bible study. He lost his job and God guided him to a better position as a developer which he wanted to do. He also trusted in God, seeking God’s guidance for his marriage. Thank God for blessing Bible study with Brian. Rachel didn't have a personal relationship with God even though she was raised as a Christian. After graduation, it was hard for her to find a job. After three months, she found a job. Through this she learned to trust in the Lord and come closer to God. Thank God for guiding her to come closer to God.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

2014 Key verse: Daniel 1:8: “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”

Daniel was carried off to Babylon as a servant. Daniel could forget about God who punished their country and follow the gods of Babylon. But Daniel remained faithful to the God of Israel. He did not want to defile himself with the royal food and wine. He decided to remain as one of God's people. Daniel's decision might not seem huge, but God was pleased with his decision and blessed him to remain as one of God's remnant people. All believers are in the same situation with Daniel. We can forget about God in this world and enjoy the riches of the world and follow the stream of the world. But we should remain faithful to God by making a decision of faith to live as one of God's people.

Through Daniel's decision of faith, God encouraged us to make a decision of faith to live as God's people in this world. I pray that we may make a decision of faith to live as God's people and live based on this decision of faith.

Prayer topics: Five teams of weekly 1:1 Bible study