Living Hope Symposium, Chicago UBF

Chicago UBF
March 3, 2014

On Friday, February 28th we had a united Friday meeting to celebrate our 8-week study in 1 Peter. The title of the evening was “Living Hope Symposium.” After joyful praise led by 4 young men, Elder Jim Rarick gave us a message on 1 Peter 3:4. He shared that this world is full of hopes, but all the hopes are temporary. Jesus alone gives us living hope. Through Jesus he changed from a useless person to the most valuable worker in his company. Praise God. Christian Misurac led an activity. Each attendant silently reflected and examined their hearts. Through the activity we confessed our dead hopes and newly put our trust in a living hope.

After the activity 5 people also shared testimony: Tina Winston (1:13-16), Grace Wolff (1 Peter 2:9), Marie Juarez (1 Peter 3:4), Joann Ismail (3:15), Matt Groters (4) and Shepherd Dennis Millar (5:2). Each testimony was very sincere and revealed the transforming power of God’s word. One testimony sharer decided to always be ready to give a reason for the faith that she had. Through 1 Peter she grew in spiritual desire and witness. Praise God. After hearing the testimonies we divided into 8 groups to share what we learned through the activity earlier. Joshua Jung led a spiritual workout on the song, “Counting on God.” The evening concluded with a report by Pastor Abraham T. Kim. He exhorted us to preach the word with 3 principles: honor, training and no man left behind. Pastor Ron gave prayer topics and we closed with prayer in pairs.
