UBF News

M. Joseph & Grace Kim from Korea Joined Cleveland UBF, USA

Nov 05, 2018

M. Joseph and Grace Kim (UBF YunKun, Korea, joined Cleveland, USA) When I visited Cleveland 20 years ago, I prayed to be a missionary to Cleveland. God blessed my prayer and bro(...)


Pastor Moses Yoon and KIMNET Conference Attendees Visited Ph...

Oct 24, 2018

Dr. James Roh and coworkers prepared a delicious dinner, powerful quartet, a heart touching LT (Nate) and the brief history of Philadelphia UBF. Several coworkers from neighbor(...)


The Ordination of Pastor Kevin Albright (Oct. 18, 2018), CHI...

Oct 23, 2018

At 6:30 on October 18, 2018 Pastor Kevin Albright was ordained as a UBF pastor by Pastors Teddy Hembekides, Ron Ward, and Moses Yoon. About 25 members and leaders in the church att(...)


KIMNET Conference (10/10-13, 2018), USA

Oct 17, 2018

P. Moses Yoon (UBF General Director) was warmly welcomed by KIMNET board members. He was presented to all as a new General Director of UBF. He was asked to bless KI(...)


Pastor Moses Yoon's return with M. Sarah Yoon on 10/3 to Chi...

Oct 11, 2018

M. Grace A Lee, Dr. Joseph Chung and senior missionaries welcomed him and his wife in the airport with flowers. We had a joyful lunch fellowship on the way. M. Moses shared God's w(...)


North America Senior Staff Meeting in Chicago (10/3 2018), C...

Oct 11, 2018

16 senior staffs of NA had the following agendas. We freely shared suggestions to serve God's work under new leadership. (Bob Hankins presided) 1. M. Moses Yoon's message ab(...)


"Promoting Self-Supporting Missionary in the Church of God" - KIMNET Conference...

Oct 10, 2018

Theme: promoting Self-supporting missionary in the church of God Please pray for UBF missionaries (P. Abraham Kim, Jacob Lee, David Kim, Augustine Suh and Jose Ahn) will be pres(...)


"Have Faith in God" - The Founder's Day Celebration (In Comm...

Oct 09, 2018

HAVE FAITH IN GOD * The theme: "Have faith in God" (Mk 11:22-25)  * Presider: Rich Ryzewski * Prayer: Michael Mark and Liz Hembekides​(...)
