UBF News

Alexey Belykh's Returns to Moscow in Russia from Chicago, US...

Dec 06, 2018

Alexey Belykh (Russia Director) visited Chicago to have a Deeper Bible study for two months from 9/14-11/22 with Pastor Ron, Dr. Mark Yang and several senior missionaries. God(...)


2019 North America Staff Conference Program (Jan 10-12, 2019...

Nov 29, 2018

*Please find the attached file *For the registration, please click below link to go to the registration page and contact Pastor Mark Vucekovich for the username and pas(...)


"Power of Prayer" - Boston UBF Vision 2019, USA

Nov 19, 2018

Vision 2019 POWER OF PRAYER Theme: Power of prayer is our spiritual direction We are experiencing significant growth of our ministry this year. We now have our prayer house.(...)


A Senior Missionary Family Moves to A New Mission Field, New Jersey from Chicago...

Nov 14, 2018

LOVE ONE ANOTHER Dr. Paul and Sarah Chung Moved to New Jersey  A summary from Dr. Paul's farewell speech - John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: Love one anot(...)
