A Senior Missionary Family Moves to A New Mission Field, New Jersey from Chicago, CHICAGO


Dr. Paul and Sarah Chung Moved to New Jersey 

A summary from Dr. Paul's farewell speech - 
John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another.” I was a great sinner. By God’s grace alone, my sins were forgiven and became God’s servant. I came to America as a missionary in December 1981. I became the Chicago UBF staff from 1985 and pioneered IIT. When Dr. John Jun came to Chicago in 2006, I became his secretary until 2011. I taught at Wright and Triton College from 2012. Since M. John Park (NJ) invited me 5 months ago, I set the student housing and day-care center. Now the building is almost completed. It is time to bring my wife, Sarah to NJ. Last 35 years in Chicago I received so much God’s love from the Chicago coworkers and my fellowship members. I am going to NJ as a silver missionary. But one thing is clear, my hometown is Chicago. Please, continuously pray for me and my family to be a humble silver missionary to serve NJ coworkers and one-to-one ministry.