"Power of Prayer" - Boston UBF Vision 2019, USA

Vision 2019

Theme: Power of prayer is our spiritual direction

We are experiencing significant growth of our ministry this year. We now have our prayer house. We are also in the process of establishing regular student meeting every other week. The prayer house is the place where we put down our prayer. This is our power station. We did not have a place to put down our prayer. But now as we put down our prayers, we can experience the power of prayer in our personal life and as a community. Our ability to minister the life-giving word of God increases when we pray. As our capacity increases, we need more prayer to sustain the growing ministry. To increase the power of prayer to meet the challenges of a growing ministry is our vision 2019. As 16th Century Reformer Martin Luther liked to say, he used to pray 2 hours every morning. But as the work of God increased, he increased his prayer to 4 hours every morning. Another legendary English preacher, Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.” In other words, prayer itself is the great work of God. What it means is, if we all come to prayer house and pray one hour every day, that will be an accomplishment. We do not worry about the result, we leave it up to God. The spiritual direction for our community is experiencing the power of prayer in the year 2019. When we pray, something will happen, our mind’s eyes will be open, God will perform miracles, and young disciples will grow in Boston UBF ministry. “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:2)


  1. Ministry:
    1) Children's Bible Fellowship (CBF) ministry: curriculum for the whole year; leaders/teachers retreat
    2) High School Bible Fellowship (HBF) ministry:
    3) Student meeting (ministry): How to encourage and strengthen students?
    4) Young professional ministry:

  2. Budget

  3. World Mission

  4. Local budget

  5. Tithes and offering

C. Building a loving and caring community (Direction from UBF general)
1) Unity: small prayer cell group in every neighborhood of our community/doing things together, like cooking, gardening, fishing, hiking and the likes
2) Retreat/lectures on special topics, like grace, salvation, forgiveness, sin, theology of suffering, mission, and the likes.
3) Reckoning/reflection/healing/forgiveness/reconciliation
4) Visiting/inviting other chapters in North America
5) Overseas mission trip
6) Make friends with people from other churches
7) Find one prayer partner in our own community

D.  Programing activities:
1) Seminar on power of prayer (See Calendar below)
2) Retreat for Renewal (Easter retreat)
3) Participate in National Day of Prayer: concerted prayer: join with other churches (find one prayer friend from other churches in 2019)
4) Women’s outing (exclusive)
5) Men’s outing (exclusive)
6) Student mission trip/volunteering during summer months
7) Community outing
8) Celebration of Grace! (Boston UBF annual event? See the community calendar below)
9) Thanksgiving celebration
10) Christmas Celebration

F. Church Officials:
1) Leadership Team or Board of Elders
2) Financial Officer with notary power (manages all financial matters to our ministry including property soon?)
3) Treasurer (manages daily operation transactions)
4) Staff (part time/full time)
5) Presider: David Heusel​

G. 501C Non-Profit Organization Status Registration (takes about a year to complete the registration)

H. Messenger Team:
Peter Lee
John Koo ​
Andrew Zhang
Joshua Yang
Joshua Lee

I. Coordinators:
Special programs: Esther (like seminar/workshop/retreat/ picnic etc.)
Young professionals: Joshua Yang
HBF: Grace Oh
Student meeting (ministry): all families
Prayer and encouragement: Honorable Peter Lee

Financial Officer:
Treasurer: David Lee
Praise and Worship Team: Hannah Lee
Web Team: Joshua Yang/Joshua Lee
Drama: Joshua Lee
Study questions and world mission: PAL
Encouragement and Senior advisor: John Koo
Women’s Ministry: Liz Lincoln/Deborah Koo

Community Calendar 2019:
Feb 16: CBF leader retreat/HS and college student retreat
March 16: Seminar: Effective prayer life
April 18-21: Renewal Retreat (Easter)
May 2: National Day of Prayer
May 18: Mother’s Day outing (women only)
June 15: Father’s Day outing (men only)
July 1- August 5: Student volunteers’ programs and various summer programs
July 4th: Community picnic
August 8-11: Summer Conference with Canadian chapters?
October 20: Greater Boston area UBF Celebration of Grace (Annual event?)
November: Thanksgiving Celebration!
December: Advent Celebration!