M. Joseph & Grace Kim from Korea Joined Cleveland UBF, USA

M. Joseph and Grace Kim (UBF YunKun, Korea, joined Cleveland, USA)

When I visited Cleveland 20 years ago, I prayed to be a missionary to Cleveland. God blessed my prayer and brought my families to Cleveland on June 20.

<pictures: my families and coworkers with S. Russel, our regional director who visited us from Toledo>

We are happy to join the families, M. Whit & Joanna Cha, M. Luke & Mary Kim, and M. Mark & Hannah Calalang. Lorena with Joanna and Faith with Mary have studied the Bible faithfully and came to our Sunday Worship service. Our missionaries take a turn to deliver the Sunday Messages. God blessed me so much to live as a light and salt in my working place. I pray that I may live up to my 2018 year key verse, Romans 1:5, to serve the word of God faithfully and live as a light and a salt in my working place to shine Jesus.