North America Senior Staff Meeting in Chicago (10/3 2018), CHICAGO

16 senior staffs of NA had the following agendas. We freely shared suggestions to serve God's work under new leadership. (Bob Hankins presided)

1. M. Moses Yoon's message about the kingdom of God.

2. P. Mark Vucecovich shared the evaluation of ISBC 2018. We discussed how to improve it. We talked about Purdue University as our next possible place of 2023 ISBC, after considering food, security, campus environment, distance from other chapters, closeness to Chicago to host many guests as 2018 ISBC.

3. Concerning the NA Staff conference (1/10-12, 2019); we talked about the place, format, and programs. M. Moses' message will be from John 17, "Jesus' prayer." He will focus on building a healthy community by loving one another and spiritual revival for sending our 100,000 missionaries by 2041.

We finished by praying all together in one heart and mind to advance his kingdom by supporting the new General Director whom God had established.