Pastor Moses Yoon and KIMNET Conference Attendees Visited Philadelphia UBF on 10/12, 2018, USA.

Dr. James Roh and coworkers prepared a delicious dinner, powerful quartet, a heart touching LT (Nate) and the brief history of Philadelphia UBF. Several coworkers from neighbor chapters also joined(Dr. Daniel Rhee (Shipensburg), Wesley Jun (Leehigh), Peter Cho (South Jersey).

P. Moses Yoon gave a keynote speech. P. Abraham Kim shared his LT about God’s caring for him and his ministries when he absolutely sought God first. It was a very short time, just a few hours from 7-10 p.m. However, the joy and happiness we enjoyed so much, would exceed any feast of this world. We experienced a small kingdom of heaven! We saw these small HC ministry is not small at all but the hope of America and the world!