"Have Faith in God" - The Founder's Day Celebration (In Commemoration of Dr. Samuel Lee) (10/5 2018), CHICAGO


* The theme: "Have faith in God" (Mk 11:22-25) 

* Presider: Rich Ryzewski

* Prayer: Michael Mark and Liz Hembekides​

* Recital of Dr. Samuel Lee's legacy

* Chicago Disciples Chorus

* Key Note Speech by Moses Yoon (Mk 11:22): He shared Dr. Lee's personal remarks for him when he began UK ministry, "If you want to have a successful ministry, you should cling to the word of God and diligently teach the Bible by having faith in God only!

* Testimony by Paul Choi (St. Louis) and his special song (Down from his glory): He shared his gracious LT and 3 important lessons from Dr. Lee: 1. Have faith in God (Dr. Lee gave many impossible looking tasks for him, an artist to do so that he had to pray and learn the power of God; to have children by faith after 10 years of marriage life) 2. Do God's work with the best you can. 3. Dr. Lee was a tender shepherd who cared one by one.

* Testimony by Mark Vucekovich: He shared the grace of God through Dr. Lee who gave him many Bible studies and allowed him to deliver messages and testimonies in so many occasions till he could meet Jesus. He also appreciated Dr. Lee's helping him to have a house church with Cathy. 

* Special presentation: Dr. Samuel Lee's photos.

* Prayer topics by P. Ron Ward

* Benediction by P. Abraham Kim 

* Reception

* Many guests from Germany, Russia, Canada, and out of Chicago filled the Chicago Center. 

We were filled with joy shouting "Have faith in God!" for the remaining WM campus mission by going back to the Bible and making disciples in all 233 nations before Jesus's coming!