UBF News

U of C Easter Conf. Report

Apr 28, 2011

“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Corinthians 15:20) Thank and Praise God for blessing(...)


NEIU Easter Conf. Report, Chicago

Apr 27, 2011

God did many new and great things through this Easter conference. We chose 2 willing and voluntary conference coordinators, Gustavo and Darren. It was very beautiful to(...)


2011 Loyola and T.W.O. Easter conf. report

Apr 26, 2011

From April 15th to 17th Loyola, Oakton, Truman, Harold Washington ministry along with CBF co workers held a joint conference at Aurora University, George Williams campus in(...)


Libya News Update

Apr 23, 2011

M. Noah has been left alone in Tripoli, the capital of Libya. He is working in a government department and is safe because police are watching the government building.  His(...)


2011 Columbus Joint Easter Bible conf. report

Apr 23, 2011

From April 15th – 17th, Columbus UBF (OSU) together with Akron, Bowling Green (BG) and Northern Kentucky (NKU) held a joint Easter conference at Camp Otyokwah in Butler,(...)


Northwestern Easter Conf. Highlights, Chicago

Apr 22, 2011

We give thanks to God for a beautiful conference from April 15-17 at Camp Wonderland, Wisconsin with 69 attendees and the theme, "I Am With You Always." There were 4(...)


Milwaukee I Easter Bible Conf. Report, USA

Apr 21, 2011

We had a wonderful Easter Bible Conference at UWM Union on April 8-10. The theme of the conference was “No Greater Love” based on John 19-21.  Twenty-five to(...)


Samuel Shemyakin was born!, Chicago

Apr 20, 2011

My second son was born 04/17/2011 at 12:31 p.m. His name is Samuel, and he is 19.5 inches and 8 lbs and 3 oz. Thank God and thank you for all your prayers. Sergey Pics(...)


Daniela Grace Bockenfeld was born, IIT

Apr 20, 2011

Some have seen her and some have not, but on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 5:16 PM a 7lb 15oz, 20in long baby girl was born, Daniela Grace Bockenfeld!  Isn't she a cutey(...)


Steve and Amy had a third son, Caleb Mark Stasinos!, Chicago

Apr 17, 2011

"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is fu(...)


Houston UBF Visit News

Apr 14, 2011

“You are numerous and very powerful. You will have not only one allotment but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours: though(...)


U of I Easter Conf. Report, USA

Apr 12, 2011

http://bible-theophilus.blogspot.com/ We meet the Crucified and Risen Jesus through the Scriptures –the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms (Lk 24:44). 22 students attende(...)
