Houston UBF Visit News

“You are numerous and very powerful. You will have not only one allotment but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours: though the Canaanites have iron chariots and though they are strong, you can drive them out." (Joshua 17: 17,18)

We praise God for His calling and purpose upon our lives. On March 30th, precious servants of the Lord came to visit a mustard seed like Houston UBF. Dr. John Jun came along with Dr. Joseph Ahn, Dr. Paul Chung and Msn, John Kwon.  They drove all the way from Dallas to Houston. We remembered great love of Jesus by their sacrificial visit and love.

Dr. John Jun gave us Joshua 17: 17, 18 as our direction of pioneering ministry.   In this very early stage of pioneering we find iron chariots of post-modernism, materialism and hedonism in students’ heart. But our almighty God tells us to clear the land even farthest limit and drive the enemies out. Also he challenged us to form a student club so we can have Worship Service at campus. Each guest prayed for Houston UBF earnestly pouring out their spirit. We believe that deep one to one Bible study can be powerful weapon to drive out the enemies.

After praying in our manger like house church we visited the U of H campus  all together. One of our Bible students from U of H, Sister Cecilia ( Premed- Biology) gave us a short but great tour on campus. She has been faithful in Bible study from December 2009.

Reported by Dr. Josh Choo
