2011 Loyola and T.W.O. Easter conf. report

From April 15th to 17th Loyola, Oakton, Truman, Harold Washington ministry along with CBF co workers held a joint conference at Aurora University, George Williams campus in Williams Bay, Wisconsin.

The main messages were delivered by Shepherd Jim Rarick on Romans 3:9-4:8 “Justification through faith,” Shepherd Jack Magardician on Romans 8:1-27  “The Glorious hope” and shepherd Rich Ryzewski on Romans 8:28-39 “Victorious Life”. April Kras and Dayani Peiri gave a special lecture on the faith of Moses from Hebrews 11:23-28. Dr. Helen Rarick delivered an impromptu 5-minuite message from John 21:15, "Feed my Lambs." There was a resurrection symposium and students testimonies. Eight Loyola students performed a body worship dance and 10 Oakton students performed a Canadian Hockey dance. Sh. Mark Mederich’s skit was hilarious. There was also a video drama produced by Oakton students. Students singspiration team led joyful songs throughout conference time. Total 108 attended and 23 was students both from Oakton and Loyola.

Canadian Hockey Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20pnDfEvMPA&feature=player_embedded

Easter Conf. testimony by Sarah Yu

Glorious Hope in Jesus 
Romans 8:6
Despite the fact that I have already attended UIC's EBC, the joy and fulfillment in participating in Oakton, Loyola, downtown, and CBF EBC was soul re-affirming. At first glance, location wise, both retreat were hosted in Wisconsin's cold bitter weather.  Both EBC's material are from Romans studies and both conference theme are uplifting and most appropriate for spiritual revival.  In any case, both gave me abundant blessing in terms of lesson learned.  
I saw the beauty of coming to the Lord, just as we are. Praise and thank God for Msn Elijah and Mary Park's simple submission to God and their hardware in putting together this conference.  I found out how much time and effort they gave in the conference preparation as well as serving their bible student from Oakton College that I just have to praise God for sending such unselfish shepherds of God's ministry.   I found that even the lack of preparation for many of the activities, and managerial task was not a bad thing.  In fact, it gave opportunities for many to rise to the occasion and fill the gap.  This avoided pressure on assigning task and giving burden to people who might not want the responsibility.  Thank you Jesus for the wisdom of our conference leaders. 
I love the testimonies of the students which characterized their sincere walk with God.  These new birth in Jesus are evidence that the Holy Spirit is indeed working and has power to change lives.   Specifically I remember the group of Oakton students who stayed so late Saturday night to comfort Max Ozaki who seems to have a rough time.  They each take turn gently giving him words of reassurance from God's truth, and hugging him as their testimony of love for him as a brother in faith.  Such practical application of brotherly love.  I pray that they may continue to grow together rooted in the truth of Jesus. 
I also witness the different side of people that I only see in Church but have no other encounter.  Such as Mike Roth and Jack Magardician.  I was overwhelmed by the great spirit by which Jack shared his message.  I never imagine him to be a such a great messenger and God has open my eyes to see such valuable co-worker in the ministry.  And the shepherd heart of Mike Roth.  I found him indifferent and at most time very awkward.  However, during student testimony sharing you can see his love and care for his student Robert Ramirez.  Truly in God, we can overcome our old self and live a new life serving others with love and patience.
Overall,  I see very clearly my purpose in life.  I thought I knew that I am to teach the bible and mentor others to know and love God. Through this conference, I see clearly that indeed I am too share the gospel to all people around me 24/7.   However, the preaching of the gospel can be most effective if my faith in Jesus is reflected in my life, and in some instance if necessary, I can speak about it.  I regret that I rely on my own personal effort in many instance. I consult the Holy Spirit as a last resort when all I tried have failed.  May God have mercy and forgive my pride in my own ability.  May I learn to come to God in prayer as a first priority.  For there is power in the spirit.  The holy spirit in me can bring out this life change.  I must let go of my sinful inclinations, and make decisions each day to walk the path that is controlled by God and follow Him as he leads me. Romans 8: 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 
May God help me to live my life in prayer and total submission to his will.  And with this life change, I can truly show that I am  a child of God, heirs of God, and co-heirs with Christ.  That I can share in the suffering of Christ in order that I may also share in His glory.  
One Word:  Live a life of prayer and submission to the spirit to serve God's purpose.
