2011 Columbus Joint Easter Bible conf. report

From April 15th – 17th, Columbus UBF (OSU) together with Akron, Bowling Green (BG) and Northern Kentucky (NKU) held a joint Easter conference at Camp Otyokwah in Butler, Ohio. The campsite was gorgeous and we were so excited to be able to meet up with our brothers and sisters from other chapters to share fellowship and celebrate Easter together. God blessed the conference so abundantly, and it flew by all too quickly.

We had 4 messengers: Opening message on John 8:1-11 by Msn Matthew Kim (OSU), 1st lecture “The Gospel of the Resurrection” 1 Cor 15:1-11 by Sh. Jeff Lewis (OSU), 2nd lecture “Father, Forgive them” Luke 23:26-56 by Sh Jeff Gathergood (OSU), 3rd lecture “The Power of the Resurrection” 1 Cor 15:12-34 by Sh James Choi (BG) and 4th lecture “The Glory of the Resurrection” 1 Cor 15:35-56 by Sh Koin Mueller (NKU). God granted us His deep word of God through these powerful messengers.

We also had 3 very gracious life testimonies by Chris Ellis (BG), Bob Preest (OSU) and James Mueller (NKU). Leslie Kim (OSU) a Biology major at OSU, shared a report on the “The Case for Christ”. We had 6 testimony sharers:  John Jeong Jr. (OSU)  Cullen McCulloch (BG)  Lauri Lewis (OSU)  Jimmy Mei (OSU)  Andrew Garnett (NKU) and Dr.Deborah Kim (OSU)

We also had a few special programs: Columbus women’s devotional group performed a musical skit, following the gospel key verses, the Columbus men’s devotional put on an EPIC skit, following the story of the robber who repented on the cross. BG put on a dramatic interpretation to music showing how the gospel changes all kinds of people. On Saturday night, we meditated on Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins and had time for prayer and reflection. Then we literally nailed our sins to a cross.

At the end of the conference we held an Easter Bible café for people to share what they learned in the form of singing, rapping, poetry and artwork. This was a very joyful and gracious summary of our conference. We could see how God worked in everyone’s hearts.  As James Choi said, the conference felt like a small taste of heaven that we didn’t want to leave.

Reported by Dr. Henry
