UBF News

(CANADA) Hamilton UBF Fall Retreat 2022

Oct 05, 2022

Hamilton and London UBF had a fall retreat at Guelph Bible centre on September 24-25. We had a very interesting Icebreaker led by Dale and had a meaningful group studies. Af(...)


(USA) 2022 Fall Semester Ministry Vision for Minneapolis 1 C...

Sep 21, 2022

Written by J*acob Park Our chapter’s permanent vision comes from what Jesus taught us are the most important commandments: to love God first with all our beings, and(...)


(CANADA) Wedding News of Dan and Deborah

Sep 21, 2022

God blessed the wedding ceremony of Dan and Deborah on September 16, 2022, in Niagara-on-the-Lake with many friends and guests. Their wedding key verse is from 1 Corinth(...)


(USA) Minneapolis 2 UBF Has 2022 Fall Semester Ministry Visi...

Sep 14, 2022

Dr. J*acob Park As a young chapter, Minneapolis II wanted to reach out to campus students. Going to campus was a little challenging due to my work schedule and the Covid si(...)


(USA) Milwaukee & Hyde Park UBF Had an United Retreat 2022

Sep 14, 2022

Praise be to our Heavenly Father for bringing Hyde Park and Milwaukee ministries together conference titled “Learning to Love”! It was held over Labor Day weekend S(...)


(CANADA) Club Day Activity on Campus at University of Albert...

Sep 14, 2022

Edmonton UBF participated in Clubs Fair last week. 5 students volunteered to invite new students. Total 72 students signed up. We had a kick off Friday worship night with some new(...)


(CANADA) M*ary Cha and H*arold De Guzman Married on August 1...

Aug 16, 2022

By P*aul Chang M*ary Cha, the first daughter of P*aulus and M*ercy Cha, and H*arold De Guzman married on August 12, 2022. P*aul Chang officiated their wedding and blessed them(...)


(USA) J*im and H*elen Rarick's 2022 Europe Report as Ambassa...

Aug 16, 2022

By J*im Rarick “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.&(...)


(USA) N*oah Voght of Minneapolis II UBF Gave a Message Title...

Aug 08, 2022

By J*oshua Hong John 21:15 “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these….” J*oshua Hong and his wife G*race attended the Minneapolis II UBF Sunday wor(...)


(USA) Rebuild With God's Vision by D*an Bockenfeld of IIT

Aug 08, 2022

By J*oshua Hong This is a part of D*an Bockenfeld's message "Rebuild with God's Vision:" Nehemiah 1:1-11 Key verse 1:9 “But if you return to me and(...)


(USA) Springfield UBF Visited I-Vine UBF

Aug 03, 2022

By J*oshua Hong Springfield UBF, a group of 26 people, visited I-Vine UBF in Urbana-Champaign. They worshiped together and had fellowship. The key verse was 2 Timothy 2:2 &ldqu(...)


(USA) Chicago UBF Had a Workshop on Evangelism and Disciples...

Jul 27, 2022

By J*ohn Seo The Chicago UBF campus workers had a workshop on evangelism and discipleship at the UIC Bible House on Saturday, July 23. More than 20 campus workers joined t(...)
