(USA) J*im and H*elen Rarick's 2022 Europe Report as Ambassadors of Christ

By J*im Rarick
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

H*elen and I praise our Father God who blessed our journey to Europe this August. We spent two weeks visiting London, Paris, the Francophone Conference, Switzerland, and Italy (Naples and Rome). R*on Ward gave us 2 Corinthians 5:20 -- to be ambassadors of Christ everywhere we went.

We thank God we could visit D*arren and H*annah Hildrow and all of London UBF. We pray for D*arren’s full recovery and thank God for their overcoming, inspiring faith. We then visited my brother in Paris for three days before attending the Francophone conference near Sondernach France. God blessed this conferenced titled “Disciple Moderne” ("The Modern Disciple"), which was led by and for young people. H*elen shared her life testimony, and I led English Bible study on John 8 and 13. We praise God for French speaking leaders, especially B*runo Assaunt and P*aul Heo, and for many young people, including many new generation missionaries. After the conference, we spent one night in Basel, Switzerland with Y*ann and his son T*imothy and prayed for the Swiss ministry.

Finally, H*elen and I visited Naples and Rome to pray for Italy. We pray God may have mercy on Italy and send UBF missionaries to this nation, including Rome. We saw many Jehovah’s witnesses. But we will send many more Christian disciples and spiritual mentors. We only praise God for His grace and ask His mercy that He could use us as ambassadors of Christ.