(USA) N*oah Voght of Minneapolis II UBF Gave a Message Titled "Do You Love Me More Than These?"

By J*oshua Hong

John 21:15 “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these….”
J*oshua Hong and his wife G*race attended the Minneapolis II UBF Sunday worship service online last Sunday and had good fellowship with the members of the ministry. At the worship service, N*oah Voght (age 18) gave a meaningful message based on John 21. He concluded the message by saying that we can care for others with Jesus’ love. N*oah is the first son of C*huck Voght and E*lizabeth. Currently, Dr. J*acob Park’s family, C*huck’s family, and R*obin’s family are working together in ministry; and J*acob Park Jr. and N*oah are growing as next-generation leaders.

Minneapolis II UBF prayer topics are:
1. To grow in a loving relationship with Jesus, which is the purpose and motivation of Christian life
2. To minister the new school year with God’s word
3. For the next generation ministry (J*acob, N*oah, and others)