(USA) 2022 Fall Semester Ministry Vision for Minneapolis 1 Chapter

Written by J*acob Park

Our chapter’s permanent vision comes from what Jesus taught us are the most important commandments: to love God first with all our beings, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe loving God means rendering to him all the glory that is due him for being our Creator and our Redeemer. It means reciprocating his love for us with humble submission, worship, growing in the image of Christ, and living as servants of his kingdom work. We believe that serving Jesus’ Great Commission (world mission) plays a central role in how we show both our love for God and our love for our neighbor.

As those called to serve the U of M campus community, we want to help young people accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, disciple them to grow up as mature Christians, and raise fellow lifelong kingdom workers to carry on God’s work either with us or in their own churches. To achieve these goals, our approach as a ministry is to actively engage in the four “spokes” of The Wheel Illustration popularized by the Navigators, including emphases on the word of God, prayer, Christian fellowship, and witness. In terms of our current vision and goals for the Fall 2022 semester, we are grateful for the work God has been doing in each of our regular members to help us grow in Jesus’ image as well as his work in several of our Bible students and growing leaders. Ben and I have been growing as messengers and shepherds under Pastor Abraham’s guidance as our senior pastor, with all of our wives playing crucial supporting roles. Jacob, Andrew, and Luke all served messages at our recent summer conference and are starting to gain a personal vision for their lives as leaders.

Jacob has established a house church, Andrew is engaged and Luke is praying for a suitable helper. The Lyu family makes valuable contributions to our community constantly, including Msn. Vision’s work with P. Abraham to remodel the new Common Life House and to remodel our worship area. Our hope is that the Common Life House can be filled with growing disciples in the coming months and a wonderful community established among them. God is working in the hearts of several of our Bible students to see the importance of living as lifelong disciples of Jesus, which we pray to continue to feed.

Prayer Topics: 

  1. Sincerely receive Jesus’ words and example through our studies of Matthew 11–16
  2. Jacob and Andrew may grow as messengers during this season. Poonam’s visa process may be finalized very, very soon and Euker’s visa paperwork may go quickly and smoothly
  3. The Common Life House is to be filled with eager discipleship candidates to foster a wonderful Christian community among younger people
  4. Keep in mind our long-term vision topic from P.A.—our “10/10/20 vision” of raising 10
  5. Fellowship leaders, pioneering 10 campuses in the U.S. and sending out 20 missionaries