(USA) Springfield UBF Visited I-Vine UBF

By J*oshua Hong

Springfield UBF, a group of 26 people, visited I-Vine UBF in Urbana-Champaign. They worshiped together and had fellowship. The key verse was 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” Reliable people have three qualifications: in relation to God, they are to be like soldiers; in relation to themselves, athletes; and in relation to the ministry, hardworking farmers. J*ohn Lee of Springfield UBF shared his heart's desire to pioneer ISU (Illinois State University) in Bloomington IL. He gave up one day of his work week as a medical doctor so that he and his members could go to ISU once a week. May God answer his prayer and use him to raise many disciples of Jesus in Springfield and ISU Bloomington. For now J*ohn’s family, A*lex Foster, D*avid Choi Jr., Dr. J*ohn Lee (J*ohn’s father), and the other families are praying, serving, and working together. Their visit encouraged I-Vine members greatly.