UBF News

Toronto UBF Christmas

Dec 22, 2016

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will called him Immanuel’—which means ‘God with us.’” (Mt 1:23) On December 18th, Toronto UBF had(...)


Boston UBF Building rapport in 2016 and vision for 2017

Dec 22, 2016

Building rapport in 2016 and vision for 2017 Rapport in 2016: First off, I am always thankful for allowing me to serve this community in Boston UBF. I love you all dearly in my(...)


2016 CBF Teachers conference

Dec 22, 2016

    With the title of “Be shepherds of God’s flock” we had the 8th annual CBF Teacher’s conference on November 19, 2016 at the Leningrad house of Chicago center.(...)


West LA UBF Christmas

Dec 13, 2016

West LA UBF Christmas Celebration on Dec. 4 Greetings in Christ! West LA UBF celebrated Christmas with John 1:14, "Jesus became a man." 80 people gathered and had a graceful(...)


Thank you letter from Dr. John Jun

Dec 13, 2016

I deeply thank God and you for your prayers.   I went to a hospital for PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) operation on Monday, 12/12. But my doctors found that my pu(...)


Prayer Request for Dr. John Jun

Dec 10, 2016

Dr. John Jun's Coronary Artery Revascularization Procedure ​The health checkup revealed that his coronary artery is 70% blocked (no subjective symptoms). He will have a PCI (Per(...)


Report for T&PE in the Ontario region of Canada

Nov 29, 2016

    For the sake of 2nd generation ministry particularly CBF ministry we had “Teachers and parents education (T&PE)” on Sep. 15-21, 2016 at 5 cities in the eastern Ca(...)


Olivia Lee’s Life Testimony

Nov 22, 2016

The LORD is Good, Loving and Faithful Psalms 100:4-5; Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithf(...)


Great Lakes Region leaders Conference

Nov 21, 2016

2016 Fall Great Lakes Region leaders' conference report Thank God for blessing the 2016 fall GLR leaders' conference. It was held in Akron, at the Holiday Inn, on November 1(...)


Samuel & Chanmi Kim's Wedding

Nov 18, 2016

Wedding between Dr. Samuel Kim (Iowa, Sh. Paul Kim’s second son) and Chan Mi Bang (Yunhee UBF) on Sat, 11/12. 4 p.m. at UBF Milwaukee church WI, with more than 120 guests from(...)


St. Louis UBF had two Bible Symposiums

Nov 16, 2016

People say that we live in the era of identity crisis. In fact, it is not easy for us to identify ourselves as Christian these days. So, St. Louis UBF had two Bible Symposiums,(...)


Ian and Jemmie’s wedding

Nov 08, 2016

We thank and praise God for blessing Ian and Jemmie’s wedding so abundantly, and through it, revealing his glory. Pastor Ron gave us his whole-hearted wedding address titled “J(...)
