St. Louis UBF had two Bible Symposiums

People say that we live in the era of identity crisis. In fact, it is not easy for us to identify ourselves as Christian these days. So, St. Louis UBF had two Bible Symposiums, titled “Find my identity in view of the Bible” based on Daniel 1-3, at Washington Univ. (Oct 27) and St. Louis Univ. (Nov 2nd). Through Daniel and his three friends we learned how we can overcome ungodly atmosphere and keep our identity as people of God. In Wash U the guest speaker, pastor Mike Dotson, said that God defines our identity and this identity is our eternal identity. In SLU Dr. John K. Lee (Springfield IL UBF) taught us about Daniel’s dare, who risked his life to keep his identity as a people of God. He encouraged all attendants to expect great things from God and attempt great things for God like Daniel. We thank God for our 2nd gen’s (new young adult) participation for these symposiums. Grace Choi (WU 1) and Luke Yang Jr. (SLU 2) led group Bible studies in each campus, and Abraham Park Jr. (SLU) welcomed all with his warm greetings. We continue to pray for God’s work in young college students so that they may have clear identity as people of God in this ungodly generation. Thy Kingdom Come!