Ian and Jemmie’s wedding

We thank and praise God for blessing Ian and Jemmie’s wedding so abundantly, and through it, revealing his glory. Pastor Ron gave us his whole-hearted wedding address titled “Jesus says, ‘Follow me’” base on Luke 9:23, the key verse which the bridegroom and the bride have chosen as their family key verse. P. Ron said that he has served about 60 wedding addresses, but it was the first time the couple chose such a key verse. It was so wonderful to hear a powerful gospel message at a wedding ceremony, exalting highly the name of Jesus Christ. May God continue to lead Ian and Jemmie based on this  key verse, so that they may be firmly established as a Christ-centered and mission-centered disciples’ family, and a fruitful house church.

About 160 people came to bless the wedding, including P. Ron, M. Daniel & Deborah Yang and Dr. Paul Koh from Chicago, and coworkers, brothers and sisters from all around Canada--Montreal, Ottawa, London, Waterloo, Hamilton, and GTA. The bridegroom and the bride are deeply grateful for their whole-hearted prayers of blessing, love and overflowing support. May God accept this wedding as our prayer offering for raising 12 house churches at U of T, and change Toronto into a Holy City and Canada a Kingdom of Priests!

M. Joshua Lee