Great Lakes Region leaders Conference

2016 Fall Great Lakes Region leaders' conference report

Thank God for blessing the 2016 fall GLR leaders' conference. It was held in Akron, at the Holiday Inn, on November 11 and 12 with 16 attendants from 9 chapters: Akron, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Erie, MSU, Novi, Pittsburgh and Toledo. Peter and Ruth Yoon (MSU) and Susan Lewis (Toledo) joined us newly.

By God's grace and blessing, we had very joyfual fellowship in Christ, with a lecture by David Lee (Buffalo) and book reports by Abraham Kim (Erie) and Joshua Bang (Novi) sharing prayer topics, studying 2 Peter 3, electing the next GLR coordinator and discussing about the 2017 GLR Easter Conference.

I am very happy to report to you that Russell Kille (Toldeo) is elected as the next GLR coordinator with overwhelming votes. Russell Kille, Greg Lewis and all GLR coworkers have been coworking with M. Isaac Kim (Akron, Vice-coordinator) and me humbly and wholeheartedly for the work of God at GLR. Russell will assume his responsibility right after the 2017 GLR Easter conference. 

in Christ,

Henry Park