Toronto UBF Christmas

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will called him Immanuel’—which means ‘God with us.’” (Mt 1:23)

On December 18th, Toronto UBF had our own Christmas celebration, since GTA united Christmas celebration is held every other year. God sent 32 people (16 Bible students, 4 university 2nd gens, 2 HBF, and 10 missionaries). We were all filled with joy, thanks and praise to Jesus Immanuel, celebrating his birth whole-heartedly with vocal songs, music instruments, and Christmas drama.

Our Christmas message was entitled “God with us, Immanuel” based on Matthew 1:18-25. We could think of Jesus God-man, his saving work from our sins, and his blessing, “Immanuel-God with us.” Jesus came to this world to save us from our sins, the fundamental problem of us all, in order to restore his utmost blessing of Immanuel. When God is with us, that’s heaven in us. All his people down through generations, who are saved from their sins, call him, “Immanuel! Immanuel!” out of inexpressible joy and excitement, out of thanks and love for him. Truly, Immanuel is the utmost blessing in Jesus! In the new year 2017, we may all the more bear this blessing and share it with the sin-sick and lonely souls around us and in the U of T campus.  

M. Joshua Lee