UBF News

An International Engagement Ceremony Between Zimbabwe & Cinc...

Jan 16, 2018

Nahyung Lee (Zimbabwe) and Luke Hong (Cincinnati) made engagement on 25 Dec. 2017 at the meaningful day of the year. Dr. Samuel Zun (Cincinnati) officiated their ceremony.


Baltimore 1 UBF Sent Out Two Short-Term Missionaries to Zamb...

Jan 13, 2018

GOD SENT OUT GRACE SAMBUCO AND SUMMER TOMAS TO ZAMBIA! By Lydia Sambuco On Sunday, December 24, 2017, Baltimore 1 UBF had a sending out ceremony for short term miss(...)


A life of “One Day at a Time” from Ruth & David Kim, USA

Jan 02, 2018

I LEARNED A LIFE OF "ONE DAY AT A TIME" Ruth & David Kim ​As the end of the year and Christmas approaching, I get somewhat emotional and thinking of you and all coworkers(...)


Christmas Worship Service News from Abe. Song, USA

Dec 28, 2017

GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY! Abe. Song We thank you for coming all the way from Chicago to LA to bless the new house church of Abraham Song Jr. and Bobae. We had Christmas worship(...)


Chicagoland UBF Christmas Worship Service, USA (Video)

Dec 22, 2017

THE INCARNATION God blessed the United Chicagoland UBF Christmas Worship service on Dec.17 from 2:00-4:30pm with 8 chapters in Chicago participating and near(...)


M. Pricila Chung Was Called to Heaven

Dec 02, 2017

M. Pricilla who entered the kingdom of God. It is so sad to hear that because she has a lot more years to be able to serve the Lord on earth. We are sorry for her beloved children(...)


Leadership Development Workshop of North America (LDW) Report

Nov 22, 2017

Leadership Development Workshop of North America (LDW)  November 13, 2017 in Chicago center God blessed the last LDW of 20 leaders, that culminated 3 years of work towar(...)


M. Esther Lee's Retirement Testimony (Washington UBF)

Nov 21, 2017

BE STRONG IN THE GRACE THAT IS IN CHRIST M. Esther Lee Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:1 “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ.” I thank God with all my heart for this day. I a(...)


UBF ISBC 2018 Messengers

Nov 21, 2017

  * Please see attached files to download


M. Jacob Lee's Farewell Testimony (Washington UBF - Video)

Nov 15, 2017

BE FAITHFUL, EVEN TO THE POINT OF DEATH, AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE CROWN OF LIFE    “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.(...)


Harvest Festival and Leadership Succession Ceremony (Washing...

Nov 15, 2017

On November 3-5, 2017, more than 250 guests from Korea, Germany, Rwanda, Belize, Turkey, Canada and from many parts of USA including Missionary Sarah Barry, Pastor Abraham Kim with(...)
