UBF News

Dr. John Jun’s CME Schedule of Africa

Sep 28, 2017

Prayer topics a) May the the Lord empower Dr. John jun with full of the Holy Spirit, word of God and necessary health. b) May the Lord give Dr. John Jun and M. Sarah S Jun(...)


M. Grace A Lee's Surgery

Sep 26, 2017

Prayer for M. Grace A Lee's Full Recovery On 9/20 (Wed) at Swedish Hospital M. Grace A. Lee underwent routine upper and lower endoscopy followed by the complication of perf(...)


Emerging Leaders Cohort - Bravo Team 2017

Sep 19, 2017

COHORT BRAVO TEAM The 2nd team (Cohort Bravo) of the Emerging Leaders Cohort program met Saturday 9am-5pm on September 9 at Chicago UBF to have fellowship and learn from each ot(...)


Mission Report Uganda

Sep 15, 2017

Mt 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Oli otya! Good evening! My name is Francis Choi, currently a PhD s(...)


Pioneering Southern Methodist University

Sep 15, 2017

Hi, my name is Jonathan Jung. Last May 2016, I and my wife, Karen, moved from New York, NY to Dallas, TX. God richly blessed our house church while we were in Columbia Universit(...)


CBF Summer Bible Conference (August 7-9th, 2017)

Sep 14, 2017

“Kingdom Quest” CBF had our Summer Bible Conference at Shipshewana in the midst of Amish Country. We wanted to build on our Vacation Bible school theme “the great treasure hunt”(...)


Labor Day Leaders Conference Report

Sep 07, 2017

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” (Matthew 9:(...)


Chicago HBF Bible School Camping(8.19-20)

Aug 31, 2017

Thank God for blessing the Chicago HBF Bible School Camping Trip. 22 people camped out at Tim Fitch's lake house. We studied "Love." There were two Bible studies on 1 Corinthians 1(...)


2 Silver missionaries Sent to Rwanda in Africa

Aug 29, 2017

Daniel and Deborah Yang, who have served IIT pioneering ministry last 11 years, left on 8/23. Please pray for the Bible House and for raising Hodal as an intern shepherd(...)


Report on Hannah & Charles Jun's Wedding

Aug 25, 2017

On Saturday, August 12th Hannah Love Yoon (Waterloo UBF, Canada) and Charles Jun (Lehigh UBF, USA) were married in the presence of many friends and family from Canada and the Unite(...)


2017 United Summer Bible Conference Report

Aug 16, 2017

“…and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Col 3:10) Thanks and praise be to God who blessed our 2017 SBC so abundantly!(...)


Thank You Letter from M. Isaac Kim

Aug 11, 2017

“Thank you for your prayers and love for our family. We miss him very much.  We thank God for his faithfulness to serve the Lord and people around him. We thank God that he li(...)
