Labor Day Leaders Conference Report

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” (Matthew 9:37-38)

A one-day conference was held on August 26 at the University of Toronto to help leaders prepare for campus ministry in the new academic year. One hundred people from Ontario and Montreal attended. Little Sarah Kim from Chicago came to give a talk on the principles of campus ministry based on The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach. We also had opportunity for discussion in groups to share what we learned and our vision and plan for ministry.

We learned that first, we need personal preparation for ministry by laying a firm foundation of a Christ-centered life, character, conviction and competency. Little Sarah Kim encouraged us to invest in ourselves, laying a good foundation so that God can work through us to reach students.

Next, we learned the elements of ministry implementation, beginning with evangelism. We invite students not just to Bible study but to Christ.
There are many methods of evangelism and we should get creative as we share the gospel and make witnessing to Jesus a part of daily life.
Establishing disciples among students who are faithful, available, and teachable (F.A.T.) is the next stage and then equipping disciples to become disciple-makers. The campus can be a sending base that exports mobilized, trained disciple-makers to the world.

Canadian co-workers were greatly inspired and encouraged by the content of Little Sarah Kim’s talk as well as her passion to see students raised as disciples, disciple-makers, and world-changers. The conference helped us to see God’s vision for campus ministry and to focus our resources strategically.

Please pray for Canada UBF chapters this fall to “open up the funnel by sowing broadly,” meeting as many new students as possible so that the Holy Spirit may lead at least one F.A.T. student to grow as the next world-changer. May God help us to reach college students with the gospel of Jesus so that they may reach the world.