Report on Hannah & Charles Jun's Wedding

On Saturday, August 12th Hannah Love Yoon (Waterloo UBF, Canada) and Charles Jun (Lehigh UBF, USA) were married in the presence of many friends and family from Canada and the United States. They were very grateful for the love of so many who travelled short or very long distances to attend the wedding. The service was officiated by three people: Hannah's father, Joshua Yoon; Charles' father, Wesley Jun, and Andy Stumpf. Joshua's wedding address, based on Col. 3:12-14, encouraged this beautiful new couple to put on Christ with all of His virtues, so that they can dwell in unity in His love and forgiveness all of their days. Charles and Hannah presented heart-moving vows to each other, and equally heart-moving words of gratitude to their parents. And the community of friends and family vowed our ongoing friendship and support to the new couple. It was a cloudy day and the service was outdoors but God heard our prayer that it would not rain during the service. The ceremony was followed by dinner and dancing at a reception at Golf's Steakhouse in Kitchener. We pray for Hannah and Charles to clothe themselves with Christ as they enter this next stage of their lives together with all its challenges and blessings.

Andy Stumpf