Harvest Festival and Leadership Succession Ceremony (Washington UBF)

On November 3-5, 2017, more than 250 guests from Korea, Germany, Rwanda, Belize, Turkey, Canada and from many parts of USA including Missionary Sarah Barry, Pastor Abraham Kim with other senior shepherds celebrated M. Jacob Lee's 40 years of mission life and the Inauguration of the new director of Washington UBF, Missionary Philip and Sarah Wang Brown.

First day highlights:

The program opened with Pastor Ron's message based on 1 Peter 2:9, "You are a royal priesthood and a holy nation." We renewed our identity in Jesus as God's chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation to serve the whole world in this generation. After the message, the 20/20 Vision team held seven step symposiums. Seven new generation leaders shared their reflections; "In the beginning" (Gen. 1a) by Lydia Park, "The Lord God made." (Gen. 2) by Daven Pettite, and "The Fall of man" (Gen. 3) by Luke Jung. There was a special violin solo performed by Lynn Rowell with the title, “It is well with my soul.” After the performance, last of step symposiums were continually presented by Leo Wang, “Your sins are forgiven." (Mk. 2) by Lynn Rowell, “Jesus blessed me with the best through his grace." (Jn. 2), and by Felicia Onuma, “Jesus is the Living Water." (Jn. 4) At the Pastor ordination ceremony, Pastor Abraham Kim awarded a plaque of ordination of pastor to Jacob Lee by Pastor's ordination committee of UBF.

Second day highlight:

P. Abraham Kim delivered a message based on Joshua 1:1-9, "Be strong and very courageous." The Lord encouraged the new leader Philip and Sarah Wang Brown and all coworkers to keep on and prosper all the more what God has been doing through Jacob and Esther Lee for the last 40 years of their mission life. Then Hannah Chung sang a solo, "The Holy City"

​Missionary Jacob Lee shared a farewell testimony based on Revelation 2:10, "Be faithful to the point of death" with tears of thanksgiving along with Esther Lee based on 2 Timothy 2:1, "Be strong in the grace in Christ Jesus." David Brogi also shared his testimony based on Genesis 1:31, "It was very good" Dr. Paul Hong from Toledo and Shepherd Doyung Choi from KyungHeeMun Chapter in Korea where Missionary Jacob Lee was sent out also awarded him a thanksgiving plaque.

During the Inauguration ceremony, a message was given by Philip Brown based on 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness." Sarah Wang Brown shared also her testimony. Afterwards, Missionary Sarah Barry congratulated them along with a benediction by Rev. Samuel Ilsik Choe. A Vocal Team sang a song, and Washington UBF second jans performed a special dance to bless and honor this historical event.