Baltimore 1 UBF Sent Out Two Short-Term Missionaries to Zambia, USA


By Lydia Sambuco

On Sunday, December 24, 2017, Baltimore 1 UBF had a sending out ceremony for short term missionaries Grace Sambuco and Summer Thomas. Grace and Summer were sent out with prayer to Zambia on December 30th and will return January 20th. 

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At the ceremony, Summer and Grace’s family members attended along with members of Baltimore, Washington, and Dr. Daniel Lee from Shippensburg UBF to bless the sending out and to pray over Grace and Summer. At the ceremony, the two sisters shared their testimonies. Grace’s key verse was Colossians 3:17 and Summer’s key verses were Philippians 2:3-4. They both accepted God’s calling to go not for their sake, but to learn to serve Jesus and Jesus’ sheep in any way they can. They look forward to having Bible study and fellowship with college students in Lusaka as well as spending time with children at the orphanage Daughters of Zion. They are being hosted by M. Cyril & Mary Boyd who joined Zambia UBF in the summer of 2016.  


Please pray for Grace and Summer to grow in their gospel faith and world mission vision through their short term mission journey and experience God’s work in Zambia.