A life of “One Day at a Time” from Ruth & David Kim, USA


Ruth & David Kim

As the end of the year and Christmas approaching, I get somewhat emotional and thinking of you and all coworkers in the world. You’ve been with my journey of fighting cancer with prayer and great support ever since I got diagnosed with liver cancer on April 2014. It’s been already full two years since my liver transplant operation on October 2015. This means the high risk of complications is passed and quite safe from now on though Dr. wants me to watch closely up to 5 years. Of course, it does not mean no longer worries. I have to live a never risk free life.

Through this hard trials, I learned a life of “one day at a time.” Jesus taught in the Lord’s prayer, “Give us today our daily bread”. Not yesterday, not tomorrow but today because today is the day of salvation. I need to live today to the fullest and no reason to worry tomorrow or to remorse anything about yesterday. Someone says, “All life takes place in the present, in this very moment. This moment is a gift and that’s why it is called the present.” Thank God for helping me to understand this principle through the long journey of fighting against deadly cancer.

Now I’m living a bonus life spending time with family, friends and serving campus ministry. Plus my Dr. says, I continue to do very well in regards of recovery. It is an icing on the cake and my wife Ruth & I only praise Jesus, our Lord. Once again, Ruth & I truly appreciate you and all coworkers in the world. May you continue to find good health and grace of God upon you and your family in this Christmas and coming New Year of 2018!!

Indebted yours Ruth & David Kim