M. Andrew Hwang's Stanford Mission Report

Stanford UBF, USA
July 8, 2014

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19)

Univ. of Stanford is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and is the top university of western USA. To this campus God has sent my family as a shepherd family. Stanford students are like the people of Corinth. They pursue the intellect and crave for achievement. Though some of them had been continuing Bible study with me they were not growing spiritually. In order to overcome this problem, I earnestly prayed to God. Then God gave me new direction from 1Cor2:4. When I taught them I began to depend not on human wisdom but fully depended on the power of the Holy Spirit. From that time on, my Bible students from Stanford began to grow.
In the first pioneering year of Stanford, Sister Hyun-A came to know Christ and became a shepherdess for Stanford. Through the training of testimony writing and sharing she realized how meaningful it is to live a life of shepherding God’s flock. She brought all her family members to UBF international summer Bible conference and they were greatly moved by the word of God. After finishing her master course from Stanford, she has served Univ. of Princeton and currently she serves the Lord at Tennessee. As I prayed for Stanford, I realized that the problem of this generation is a lack of true leaders and true shepherds. Based on this, God has given me a new prayer topic to raise “the Stanford 7."

I pray that God may richly bless Stanford to have a spiritual revival and raise the "Stanford 7" just like the "Cambridge 7" so that they may transform the world in Christ Jesus. Now brothers Chris, Rob, Victor and Yang are growing in Jesus. May God bless them to grow as global spiritual leaders through Bible study. We thank God for sending precious mission co-workers, Dr. Joe and Msn. Liz’s family to us last week. May God help us to humbly serve God co-working well with this new family. Though sometimes we are lonely, the living word of God gives us true comfort and new strength. As a lay missionary it is hard for me to bear both work and preparing Sunday message every week. Nevertheless, it is a great joy of heaven for me to meet the living God dwelling in the word. May this joy of heaven reach out to many Stanford young students.

My family has two daughters, Priscilla (13) and Lydia (11). Sometimes they asked me about their identities whether they are American or Korean? But I said clearly “You are Christians and children of God.” They now have a true identity as children of God and are growing as missionary co-workers having faithful Bible study with their mom. In the mission field the most difficult thing for us is loneliness. But the Lord gave us his promise in Mt. 28:20. And I believe and thank God who will always be with us to the end of the age and who will raise American souls who are like dry bones as gospel warriors to carry it to the ends of the earth. May God make North America a priestly nation to feed the whole world through the gospel message.

Prayer Topics:
1. To raise the Stanford 7 Spiritual Leaders; Chris, Rob, Victor and Yang may grow as disciples
2. To experience the power of God through intensive Bible study.

