Ryan & Jing Liebert’s Beautiful Wedding, L.A. UBF

Los Angeles UBF
July 17, 2014

This is a summary of the wedding and reception on Saturday, 07/12/14 at the L.A. UBF Bible Center for Ryan and Jing Liebert. Jing is a beautiful, intelligent young girl from China, fluent in Chinese, English and Korean, and a Ph.D. student in Business at Columbia University in New York. Ryan, age 28, is soon to finish his Master's in Geology and Statitstics at Nevada State University. Both dearly love the Lord Jesus and pray to go to China to serve him there as missionaries.

The wedding started at 11:00 AM and was officiated by Pastor John Kwon. He gave a graceful, short sermon on Jeremiah 29:11, encouraging the couple to pursue God's purpose and plan to serve God's mission in China. This was followed by one beautiful solo and by orchestra music. Attending this wedding were God's servants who came from far away places, from China, Korea, Brazil, New York, and Canada. Among the guests were Samuel and Ruth Shin from the New York UBF, Peter and Grace Lee from Hanyang UBF Korea and Nathan Rasoarison from Brazil UBF.

The entire wedding was beamed to China via Skype so that Jing's parents in China, who couldn't attend the wedding because of medical problems, could view it live. Later, during the reception, the Skype screen was projected onto the front of the reception area for everyone to watch and Jing's father was given the opportunity to speak to the couple in Chinese while another person translated his words to English. The atmosphere of the reception was one of laughter and cheer through the presiding by Terry Lopez. The wedding ceremony was in every detail (the beautiful decorations, music, dancing, food, cake, etc.) a beautiful display of God's love and the love of his people for Ryan and Jing for which they were so thankful. Many servants, talented in one area or the other, were so happy to help with the wedding and thereby express their love for the couple.

The prayer topics for the couple include: 1) Co-work with New York chapter members during the course of Jing's Ph.D. studies; 2) Go afterwards to China as missionaries.

by James Hopeman on behalf of John Kwon
