Cerritos College Campus Mission Report by Abraham Jeong

By God’s grace, the ministry of pioneering Cerritos Community College began in 2012 as a house church with the effort of two missionary families including six 2nd generation children. God gave us a house church that is five minutes walking distance from the campus. We wanted Cerritos UBF to be a church full of servants who witness to the ends of the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit and a church established by the Spirit like the First church. When we look back, we can see clearly how God has been leading us into himself and molding us gradually for His will. We really thank God for everything that he has done for us.

Part 1. 2014 Annual Review.

In the beginning of 2014, our ministry held a leader conference which composed of three day fasting prayer at the mountains. In 2014, the Cerritos UBF Key Verse was 1 Peter 1:15-16, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘be holy, because I am holy.’”

Through this conference, we learned what kind of life Christians, who are strangers of the world, must live: be holy, live in reverent fear to God, and love one another deeply from the heart.

We started the year with Mark’s gospel Bible studies and some special lectures. All the leaders continue to have group Bible study every Wednesday and personal prayer time every morning and evening in order to live a holy life in God. Our coworkers’ desire for spiritual growth, maturity, and an intimate relationship with Jesus, our Lord has grown throughout the year. 

We had a number of students come and go this year. However, by God’s grace, some faithful Bible students have been attending Sunday worship service continually. We thank God for sending us faithful students such as Aurora, Gabriella, Roger, Bryan, Jonathan and Nicolas who are still growing in God’s grace and the word of God faithfully. We thank God for Msn. Sarah Jeong who faithfully goes to the campus to diligently serve one-to-one Bible studies and brings Bible students to worship service. After the Sunday worship service, all the Bible students gather together before having lunch to write a testimony based on the message and share it each other. This is led by Sarah Jr.

We especially thank God for giving us the precious opportunity to have our very first Summer Bible Conference from Jun.10-Jun.11 at Open Door Church Conference Site. Cerritos UBF and Hanna Kim's family along with 2 Bible students from Glendale UBF attended. There were a total of 17 attendees. The theme of the conference was “Jesus, the Spring of Living Water”. The conference was very humble and small but it was very joyful and meaningful. We believe that God used that time as a way to encourage each Bible student to commit their lives in order to become true followers of Jesus.

Also, we thank God for helping us start Friday prayer meetings with our Bible students served by Sarah Jr. She leads the meeting, leads praise, and also delivers a short message. She serves each Sunday worship service by leading praise and playing the piano for us. She was blessed to be a student at UCLA starting in 2012.  God blessed her to become a spiritual leader and shepherdess for many UCLA students. Through the Friday prayer meeting, we want the Bible students to be strengthened by the power of prayer in order to fight well in the spiritual battle.

We thank God for our Thanksgiving conference. Msn. Andrew and Esther Kim's family from Sacramento UBF came to join us.  

We thank God for our Christmas worship service that was based on Luke 2:1-20. In the second part of the service, we randomly picked our New Year’s Bible verses from a basket one by one. We believe that God gave the best-fitting and most precious Word of God to each person. We pray that all of the church members may memorize, meditate, and hold onto the word of God they picked for the whole year so that they may experience how the word of God is reflected in their lives.   

We also thank God for our 2nd generation, especially Sarah Jr., Debora, and Abraham Jr. They are faithful coworkers of Cerritos UBF.

Part 2. 2015 Vision and Strategy

We started this New Year by fasting and praying for three days at the mountains. Our 2015 Key Verse is Deuteronomy 6:4-5, “Hear, O Israel; The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” 

We hope and pray to love our God with all our heart, soul and strength this entire year.

I pray that I may serve God with my whole heart through one-to-one Bible studies, my profession, and the message I give weekly. I pray that God may strengthen me in all those areas. I pray that the faithful Bible students who attend Cerritos UBF grow stronger daily in Christ and become powerful shepherds and shepherdesses as well. I pray that my daughter, Sarah Jr., will be able to guide her two group Bible studies at UCLA and serve our Friday prayer meetings earnestly and passionately.

We pray that all of us may be used as Bible teachers with the love of God.