Boston Area Mission Report by Abraham Lincoln

“For this reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness; knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness (2 Peter 1:5, 6)

In order to participate in his divine nature Apostle Peter admonishes us to “make every effort to add” a few things to our faith, such as “godliness.” Godliness is God’s own character. It is amazing that we are called to grow in God’s own likeness. In truth we are called to enjoy godliness, meaning God’s own life in us. To grow mature in godliness is fulfilling, satisfying, and exciting. To amass the treasure of godly living is indispensable. All these years, I wanted to be an effective minister of the gospel. Through the life of faith for the last 45 years, I have come to know the secret to be “effective” is to be godly. I have been a faithful servant of God for the last 29 years in UBF campus ministry. But I was not as successful as I should have been in being a godly man. On occasions, my behavior exhibited my flesh desire at home and in the ministry instead of godliness. In 2015, I pray to grow and enjoy godliness according to 2 Peter 1:6.

I want to share 3 small living miracles in greater Boston area UBF in 2014.

  1. Missionary Petra Lee graduated from nursing school, passed the RN exam, and now is working as an RN. After the RN exam, she thought she didn’t do well. She was preparing for the next exam. But a week later she received a letter saying that she passed the exam. Within a month she went for a job interview. She didn’t think she was qualified for this job. But the office called her and said that they wanted to hire her. Now she is working four days a week and helps support her family. She confessed that this was nothing less than a miracle. This was a personal victory for Petra. But as a community we also prayed earnestly for her, so it became a success story for our community in greater Boston area UBF.
  2. In 2014, five members were baptized in our community. In our small community, one of our major concerns is children’s ministry. While we were praying for our children’s spiritual growth, three of our children, one by one came, forward and said they were ready to be baptized. We gave them baptism lessons and baptized them and entrusted them into the hands of our Lord. Parents and the community as a whole pledged to support them spiritually to the end when they are weak and strong. Andrew Zhang and Esther Li were also baptized this year and joined us from Toronto UBF.
  3. On June 29, 2014, under the blessing of UBF general, we became greater Boston area UBF. Abraham and Sarah Jeong’s family in Durham, NH, John Deborah Koo’s family in Andover, MA, William and Pauline Jung’s family, David and Petra Lee, Joshua and Hannah Lee, Mark and Grace Yoon’s family, along with Allan Blanchard, Andrew Zhang, Esther Li, and Albert and Maria Um from UMASS, Amherst, and my family together were united to form a community. In my eyes this was the greatest miracle of all. We praise God for his mercy and grace bestowed on us in 2014.

Our vision and plan in 2015.

  1. To form a five member team of Sunday messengers to train and deliver in turn.
  2. A community building relationship.
  3. Develop children’s ministry of our own.
  4. Campus ministry through friendship evangelism.