Auburn UBF(AL) Annual Ministry Report by James Oh

2015 Key Verse: “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.” (Exodus 33:13)

Throughout the year of 2014, we studied the gospel of Matthew sincerely each week with humble desires to learn the kingdom of God practically. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 5:3) – we prayed and studied together with our coworkers based on this verse. We learned that God blesses those who are pure and poor in spirit/heart. God always judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. We continued to try to memorize the key Bible verses together each week.  When the word of God is living and active in our heart, we’ll have a humble desire to come to God and pray in any circumstance. When Moses saw the Israelites making the golden calf, he did not give up his leadership and the life of faith. He faced the reality, admitting that the Israelites committed a great sin before God. He asked God's favor and prayed based on God’s promise. I’d like to learn the faith of Moses who asked God’s teaching so that he may know God more and more and continue to find God’s favor based on God’s promise. Moses’ prayer in Exodus 33 and King Saul’s prayer in 1 Samuel 13 are teaching me contrastingly how I should come to God every moment. Besides the Bible study, we had joint Easter and Christmas worship service with Atlanta coworkers. Pastor Abraham Kim and Ron Ward’s visit at Atlanta in September gave us great encouragement. We were also challenged through men and women of God through their online messages and testimonies. They risked their lives to serve God, cried out for God with such a hunger, showed the world that God is living, and God is working through his Words, and God is saving people from their sins today. Serving God through UBF, in the house church setting in Bible Belt area, we had many excuses for limited service to God. However, those men and women of God silenced our excuses: they challenged us a lot so that we might pray more and study the Bible deeper and deeper.

God has blessed us to have Bible studies with several students in Auburn University. Nicole, Madison, Lekeia and Shelby had faithful Bible studies, usually in a group, with M Eunice. Nicole had spiritual thirst for God and for His words. Not only did she enjoy the Bible study, but she also kept bringing people to Bible study. Madison is her roommate, and Shelby is her classmate, and Lekeia is Shelby’s classmate. We pray that she may teach the Bible to others this year as well as bring people to Bible study. Madison is very spiritual and filled with prayer, God’s words, and praise all the time. She does not seem to need any more Bible study, but she eagerly and humbly studies the Bible with us. We are thankful that she is encouraging and challenging us to pray more and to love God more. Lekeia is very sincere and humble before the Word of God. She appreciates Bible study and always receives the Word from Bible study. We pray that she may grow through Bible study and be a blessing to her family members and friends.

Prayer Topics:

Sincere Bible study each week with coworkers (John’s gospel after Matthew)

2015 key verses of coworkers:

John Eom (Gen 12:2) & Helen Eom (Heb 11:9,10): praying for green card, fruitful college life of John Jr. & Joseph Eom
James Oh (Exodus 33:13) & Eunice Oh (Mt 6:33): praying for campus Bible study and Bible research. We are praying for the students of Auburn University and Southern Union State Community College.