Guelph UBF Annual Report by James Oh

2 Peter 3: 18 “ But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “

  1. 2014 Annual Review:

For the last two years, I held on to 1 Peter 5:2: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them- not because you must, but because you are willing…”

I wanted to learn the shepherd heart of Jesus by holding on to this verse.  I learned that shepherding is not a theory, but very practical.  I thank God for his grace and mercy for this servant, though I don’t have much visible fruit. Last year, God was gracious to me and my family despite discouraging events. I resigned from a full time position and had to find another job. My wife fell and had a shoulder injury. Family issues in Korea discouraged me and my wife as well. However, our God was merciful. He enabled us to remember his grace and focus on Him all the more.

Last year, we studied Mark’s gospel along with 1 and 2 Peter. Through 1 and 2 Peter study, we renewed the grace of God, and have a clear identity as God’s elect, a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and God’s special possession. It reminded us of the living hope of the kingdom of God as real. I thank God for providing materials from Chicago website.

We joined in Greater Toronto area summer Bible conference (July 4-6) with the theme of “Repent and Believe”. We also had Christmas worship service together with Hamilton UBF.  M. James Oh attended the CIS international conference and participated in prayer for CIS and world mission. A special lecture about “Salvation theory” by Shep. Kang Deukhyun from Korea was very informational. God helped me to study with GTA coworkers in a Bible committee group. I also joined in the Bible study group with Dr. Paul Hong and Dr. Mark Yang.

My first child Sarah is working at the optometry lab at the University of Waterloo. Our second child Jimmy graduated from University of Western Ontario last year. God provided him a job in Toronto.  Gracie is studying in the nursing program in Toronto. Our fourth child Sammy is in high school. They all need our prayers to grow in Jesus. May God be gracious to them and grow them as children of God in this adulterous and sinful generation. 

  1. 2015 Vision and Strategy.

My New Year key verse is 2 Peter 3: 18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” As I review last year, I have a clear prayer topic that I have to grow in the grace of Jesus, and the knowledge of our Savior.  Living in the modern society, it is challenging to keep the gospel faith and spirit and live according to the Bible teachings. I want to fight against the strong current of ungodly ideas and its culture.

May God grant me a sincere heart and desire to know him more in depth this year.

Prayer topics:

  • Grow in the grace and knowledge of God through personal Bible study
  • Take care of God’s sheep
  • Pray for 2nd gens