The Work of God in Calgary UBF, Canada 2014 by Matthew Jun

I.  2014 Annual Review

We really thank God for His salvation from our sins and death and lavishing his abundant grace and eternal life on us! Thank God for providing us with the words of life every day and every week so that we not only keep our spiritual life, but also participate in the work of God!

Last year, Calgary UBF studied various Books including Genesis, the book of Judges, the book of Ecclesiastes, other special lectures, and part of Mark’s gospel. The word of God inspired us to know God more and come into God’s presence, and encouraged us to serve the Lord in our practical lives.

The bi-weekly online group Bible study among Canadian and US coworkers, organized by Dr. Paul Hong and M. Paul and M. John Lee, was such a blessing to me. Serving a pioneering work in the West, it was easy to lose contact with coworkers and more importantly with God. Every time I studied various inspiring books of the Bible with other coworkers, God helped me to see my life, ministry and this world from God’s perspective. Then I could share what I learned from the group Bible study with Calgary coworkers in Sunday worship service. It was such a blessing to all of us.

Last June, Dr. Paul Hong visited Edmonton and gave all Albertan UBF coworkers a presentation on the whole book of Ecclesiastes. I accepted one verse Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” We should work hard and prepare ourselves to be used for God’s glory our whole lives. But most of all, we should serve and fear God, keeping his commandments; that is our whole duty and is most pleasing to God.

In July, Esther Jun attended Canadian HBF conference in Ontario. She learned Jesus’ gospel through Bible study and had a good fellowship with 2nd gens. We thank Dr. Henry Kim’s family and Montreal coworkers’ families to let her stay at their chapters prior to and after the conference, which made her time so meaningful in the fellowship.

In August, we had the 2nd Western Canadian SBC at UBC Okanagan campus with the title, “Dry Bones, Hear the Word of God.” All coworkers from Alberta and BC, and guests from LA, Chicago and Montreal held a heavenly feast. Personally, Jesus’ saving grace and calling for campus students touched my heart, and I could renew my spirit with a repentant heart. Thank God for His blessings and co-working among many chapters. May God continue to bless us to grow and make a community in Jesus’ love and truth.

We had a united Christmas worship service with all other Alberta chapters in Edmonton. Thank God for Baby Jesus who came to this lowly place to be our Savior and Shepherd King!

In 2014, Shepherd Daniel Hur from Yonhee chapter came to Calgary for a business trip. Thank God for his sincere prayer support for us every morning and fellowship in the Lord. In November, Shepherd NamSik and YoungMi visited us to explore a mission field. God really intervened in this matter. I asked a local hair salon owner if she could hire Shepherd NamSik as a hair dresser. She was looking for a Christian hair dresser and decided to hire Shepherd NamSik. May God grant Shepherd NamSik’s family a work permit so that his family can come to Calgary UBF in His time.

Thank God for co-working among family members in Korea and helping them to come to God more closely with humble hearts and desires.

Thank God for the love and support from Wharang UBF coworkers. They supported us with prayers and practical love by sending many spiritual books and letters and presents. I really thank the late Shepherd Philip Lee for serving me with Bible study over Skype in 2013 and introducing Shepherd NamSik’s family to us for Calgary mission.

In 2014, by the work of His words, we came to renew our hearts and desires for campus mission further and went up to University of Calgary campus about twice a week regularly. We shared the gospel with the students we met in every campus building. Although we couldn’t have any Bible student, God’s hope and vision for this campus grew in our hearts. We felt the need for registering Calgary UBF as a student club to be more approachable by students. Thank you, God, for blessing Sunday worship service and Bible study every week that were the sources of our spiritual life and encouragement and the basic foundation of our spiritual life.

II.   2015 Vision and Strategy

My annual key verse in 2013 and 2014 (in a row) was Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” I cannot but confess that the word of God and His grace sustained us and encouraged us to live by faith throughout last year. By God’s words we restored spiritual desires and hearts for his sheep on campus. But many times I was carried away by many aimless desires that ate up precious time and energy, and kept me from meditating on God and His words that would nourish us and our ministry. So, this year I decided to hold on to this word one more time. I earnestly pray that I may give my attention to prayer and the ministry of the word and live a simple life dedicated to the Lord.

May God bless North American Staff Conference, Canadian SBC and HBF Conference richly this year. May God continue to bless online GBS with other coworkers.

This year we will continue to study the rest of Mark’s gospel and other Bible books later on.

      Our prayer topics are as follows:

  1. Preparing Sunday worship message diligently and having a personal prayer time
  2. 24 1:1 Bible studies & 20 Sunday worshipers
  3. One Abraham and one Sarah of faith
  4. Registering Calgary UBF as a student club.
  5. Shepherd NamSik’s family may come to Calgary as a missionary family
  6. God may grant a permanent resident visa to M. Abraham Lee’s family
  7. Our children may grow as Christians and 2nd gen missionaries