Univ. of South Florida Pioneering Testimony by Dr. David Cho

Pioneering Testimony and Prayer Topics

(University of South Florida; USF, Tampa, FL)

As P. Ron said in his message, snow reminds me of God’s grace covering my sins. The big snowfall today at the last Sunday Worship Service in Chicago was God’s message for me to remember his grace while I was in Chicago. I thank God for so many blessings He has bestowed upon my family. We came to LA UBF from Korea in 1997 for my postdoctoral training at UCLA and served UCLA campus ministry. Then God sent my family to pioneer Memphis, TN through my Internal Medicine residency training in 2004. After 3 years pioneering ministry, God sent us to Chicago through my Allergy-Immunology subspecialty training at Northwestern Medical School in 2007. Now God is sending my family back to a pioneering mission field in Tampa, FL.

Personally, I have been so blessed. I came to Chicago as a clinical trainee. God helped me to get an instructor position right after my fellowship training, and then I was promoted to an assistant professor. After I move to University of South Florida in Tampa, I will be promoted to an associate professor. This position is better than a tenure position, guaranteeing my position until retirement, so that I can serve campus mission at USF until retirement, if that is God’s will.

God blessed my wife Praise also in many ways. She worked hard during our UCLA pioneering ministry and Memphis pioneering ministry. She could take a spiritual rest in Chicago. God equipped her through theology study at Moody Seminary to serve Bible teaching and campus pioneering ministry. 

God also blessed my children, David and Jonathan. They came to Chicago, each a freshman in Middle school and High school. They adjusted to a new environment well and served orchestra faithfully for the last 7 years or more without any interruption. I thank them for their service. Now David is graduating from Loyola University this year and already got admission from 3 medical schools and is waiting for the result from Northwestern University Medical School. Jonathan is a freshman at Northwestern University, studying pre-med.

Through serving Northwestern downtown ministry, God sent several people to serve: Haimei, Kyle, Nellie, Dr. Wallace, Dr. Jin, Dr. Weng, and David Johnson. God also sent Dr. Avila as a coworker for downtown GBS. He is a full professor and the program director in our division but humbly co-worked with me for GBS. I thank God for Haimei and her recently established house church. I also thank God for David Johnson. God sent him through a mysterious way. He is a personal trainer for me, Jonathan and Praise at the Charter Fitness. He was a fully committed Christian in the past, even wanting to be a pastor, but got away from God for a while. Then he realized the emptiness and darkness without God and decided to come back, seeking God’s help. In his right time, God helped him to meet us, and David and I could start 1:1 Genesis Bible study. He told me that he experienced “heavenly peace” through 1:1 Bible study. He also began to attend our worship service. He will continually study the Bible with P. Kevin. He is growing and wants to be a source of blessing and a spiritual trainer someday. 

I thank Mother Barry, Grace Lee, Dr. John Jun, Pastor Abraham Kim, P. Ron, P. Kevin, Dr. James Kim and all other coworkers for their love and care for our family.

David Cho’s prayer topics

My 2015 pioneering key verse is

Psalm 1:1,2 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”

Based on this key verse I pray to:

  1. Serve Sunday worship message weekly
  2. Establish 1:1 and discipleship ministry
  3. Learn from other youth and campus ministries and cowork with them at USF
  4. Establish my research lab at USF and render glory to God through successful research
  5. For David and Jonathan to grow as men of God and sources of blessings

Missionary Praise Cho’s prayer topics

Her 2015 key verse is Gal 6:7-10: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."

  1. Always pleasing God as my supreme purpose
  2. Support Dr. David with prayer
  3. Deep personal Bible study and prepare Bible study notes
  4. David Jr. and Jonathan to stay strong in the Lord as they live by themselves for the first time