UBF News

El Camino UBF Mission Report by Dr. John Baik, "Faith Being Certain of What We D...

Sep 25, 2012

El Camino UBF (California) September 25, 2012  "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1 I wa(...)


Abraham Song in Seattle UBF Was Discharged from a Hospital and Needs Prayer Supp...

Sep 23, 2012

Seattle UBF (Washington, North America) September 22, 2012     I was discharged from a hospital in Bellimham, Washington last Wednesday. I am resting at home.(...)


Conference Program for the Upcoming Western Canadian Summer Conference

Aug 24, 2012

Calgary UBF, Edmonton UBF, Saskatchewan UBF (Canada) August 23, 2012 Greetings! We will have an united summer bible conference with Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatchewan from A(...)


Canadian JBF/HBF Gathered Together For a Summer Camp With a Theme, "Vine & Branc...

Aug 21, 2012

JBF/HBF (Canada, North America) August 21, 2012   We recently held the first ever Canadian JBF/HBF summer camp July 23-26, 2012! The theme was Vine & Branch, focu(...)


Please Pray for Dr. John Doty

Aug 12, 2012

Lexington UBF (Kentucky, North America) August 11, 2012 Dr. John Doty had two surgeries so far. The first surgery was to implant a defibrillator which in the course of it sto(...)


Milwaukee & Minneapolis UBF Joint Summer Bible Conference Entitled "Be Shepherds...

Aug 09, 2012

Milwaukee and Minneapolis UBF (Minneapolis & Wisconsin, USA) August 9, 2012 "Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not(...)


The Great Lakes Region Chapters Held Their Summer Conference

Aug 08, 2012

Akron UBF, Bowling Green UBF, Buffalo UBF, Cleveland UBF, Columbus UBF, Erie UBF, Owens UBF, Pittsburgh UBF, and Toledo UBF (North America) A(...)


The Third Fellowship Leaders' Workshop in the Chicago Area Titled "Fellowship in...

Aug 07, 2012

Chicago UBF (Illnois, North America) August 7, 2012 "But if we walk in the Light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his(...)


God is Gracious in Granting New Life; Lincoln Ohnyu Hajek was Born!

Aug 02, 2012

Dupage UBF (Illinois, North America) August 2, 2012 On Monday July 30th 10:37 am Lincoln Ohnyu Hajek was born.  He and his mother are healthy: 9 lbs 15 oz and 22 inch(...)


Raleigh, Atlanta & Knoxville UBF Gathered for a Summer Retreat

Aug 01, 2012

  Raleigh UBF, Atlanta UBF & Knoxville UBF (North Carolina & Georgia) August 1, 2012 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for(...)


The Well 2012 & Recruiting for Vision Leadership Team

Jul 31, 2012

The Well July 31, 2012 Dear Pastors, Chapter Directors and Fellowship Leaders in UBF, It’s been nearly half a year since many college students and young adults all ove(...)


Chicago HBF's Short Term Mission Trip to Quito, Equador

Jul 30, 2012

Chicago HBF (Illinois, USA) July 30, 2012 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to&rdq(...)
