Abraham Song in Seattle UBF Was Discharged from a Hospital and Needs Prayer Support for Complete Recovery

Seattle UBF (Washington, North America)

September 22, 2012
I was discharged from a hospital in Bellimham, Washington last Wednesday. I am resting at home. I am doing good and am feeling better every day, even though I have still have pain and can't walk for a long time. I especially thank God that he protected me and gave me minor injuries--a fractured left shoulder and ribs from a 30 m fall. The fall happened Saturday morning and my partner was able to communicate to the other climbers through a two-way radio. They helped me and my partner to get down to the glacier where a helicopter could carry me to a hospital. All aspects of the rescue mission went well. I was admitted to a hospital around 7:30 p.m. and was treated immediately.

The doctor worried a bit about brain damage because my brain was swollen a bit, but I stabilized, and it went back to normal after a couple of days. They still gave me a medication for possible seizers. I will get a check up for my brain with a nero surgeon in two weeks.

I can't do much except rest now. I thank God that he gave me this peaceful leisure time to enjoy small things like the autumn sun, short walks around the house, appreciating others who pray for me, and say kind words. I have also lots of time to read books and listen Christian radio.

It may take a couple of weeks for me to recover fully. I pray that God may give me a heart to understand those who suffer physically and spiritually. I pray also that God may heal me to continue my roles as a father, husband, missionary, shepherd, and an employee and much more. I am very sorry for Msn. Sarah Song, my wife, giving her too many burdens and worries. She is studying to be a pharmacy tech, taking care of children including giving them rides to school and various activities and helping me with many things. I hope and pray that sometime soon I may take care of most of her burdens except the school study.

By Abraham Song