The Well 2012 & Recruiting for Vision Leadership Team

The Well

July 31, 2012

Dear Pastors, Chapter Directors and Fellowship Leaders in UBF,

It’s been nearly half a year since many college students and young adults all over North America gathered together for last year’s 2011 Well conference (formerly known as Young Disciples’ Conference). As you may know already, The Well is an annual UBF college student and young adult conference traditionally held during the wintertime right before the New Year.

Our vision and mission for The Well is that it be:

  1. A common ground place for rest and fellowship between believers and seekers
  2. A place to encounter Christ for the first time as a seeker or to be renewed as a growing disciple, all this through the power of the Holy Spirit
  3. A networking community that empowers and sends young people back to their respective ministries and out to the world to share the Gospel of Christ with others

Since then, we’ve been praying for a double portion of God’s blessing for our next gathering. Therefore, we would like to announce plans for this upcoming 2012 Well conference.

This year’s retreat will be held from December 27-30th, 2012 (Thurs-Sun) and located at a new conference site, Faholo Christian Conference Center ( in Grasslake, Michigan (1 hour west of Detroit). We anticipate an opportunity to spend more time in personal reflection and relationship-building this year, and therefore added an extra day & night to this year’s retreat. Fortunately, the conference site has offered us such a bargain discount that we anticipate the registration fees to virtually remain the same this year (so consider it a free extra day!).

As the newly appointed Coordinator Team for The Well, 2012, we also wanted to take this chance to introduce ourselves and just say how excited we are for the opportunity to work together in planning a meaningful and transformative retreat this year! As we move the Well ministry towards a shared leadership model, all four of us will be sharing the responsibility of coordinating, planning and recruiting for this special event. We are grateful to our General Director, Pastor Abraham T. Kim for entrusting such a privilege and responsibility to us as the Coordinator Team for this upcoming event.

In addition, this year we will be recruiting a national planning committee from among our young people
throughout North America (Vision Leadership Team). The Vision Leadership Team will be drawn from the various ministries throughout North America to help set the vision, plan, and mobilize help for this upcoming retreat. Ideal candidates for the Vision Leadership team could include (but not limited to) those who are either currently UBF interns or expressing interest in becoming one in the future; and/or college students or recent graduates who are actively engaged in a leadership role at any level within their own church or local ministry. If you know any young leader in your ministry who may be interested in applying to be on the Vision Leadership for the 2012 Well Conference, please have them fill out the application form here:

Deadline for this leadership application will be Wed, August Two recommendations (one either
from a Bible teacher or spiritual mentor; and another recommendation from a pastor, chapter director, or
fellowship leader) will also be requested. Early Registration for the Well, 2012 will open on October 1st 2012. Keep an eye out for emails of future announcements and registration instructions as the event draws near! In the meantime, feel free to listen to the message recordings from last year’s retreat, which are on our website (

We earnestly request your prayer support as we begin the recruitment and planning process for this event. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding this event, please feel free to contact us and send us an email at

In Christ,
The Coordinator Team for the Well
Greg Lewis, Toledo UBF
Andy Stumpf, Waterloo UBF
Enoch H., Boston UBF
John Y., Hyde Park UBF (Chicago)