UBF News

P. Ron and Dr. Mark Yang's IBSW (Inductive Bible Study Workshop)

May 10, 2019

God blessed the IBSW by the Holy Spirit through the whole book of 1 Peter in small groups with well-prepared leaders in Kiev, Ukraine. We could meet Jesus our living Stone, Corners(...)


2019 Mid-Atlantic Region Staff Conference Program, USA

May 08, 2019

  *You can download the program. Please see below the downloadable file. 


P. Moses Yoon's (GD) updates

May 08, 2019

He returned to Chicago on 5/1. He shared his WM report in Chicago Friday meeting. He encouraged us to study the Word of God (eat the word of God) diligently until we bear much frui(...)


Please keep praying for our suffering coworkers

May 06, 2019

Hannah Koh (Hansung), Hannah Byeon (Kwanak 3), Joshua Jin (Kwanak3), Sarang Kim (Korea), Mary Kim (South Africa), Monica Forbes (D.C), John Doty (US), Juyong Kim (Mongolia), Yesung(...)


HQ CME Committee Report and Schedule

May 01, 2019

Dr. Moses Junki Chung Dr. Moses J. Chung and Rebekah Chung visited Cambodian UBF on December 1 and stayed in Phnom Penh for one month, sharing intimate fellowship with them. Dr.(...)


New England Easter Report

Apr 30, 2019

Journey to the Resurrection     I. This Easter season, our journey to the resurrection was led by four guiding words: Cross, Grace, Hope and Joy (CGHJ). We covere(...)


NJ Concert in Easter Sunday Evening

Apr 26, 2019

NJ UBF had held the 11th 5L2F (five loaves and two fish) Concert at Kirkpatrick Chapel in Rutgers University on April, 21, 2019, Easter Sunday evening. Thi(...)



Apr 24, 2019

“I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:23) Th(...)


HQ World Mission Department Report

Apr 22, 2019

GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS God blessed the World Mission Department to com​plete the operational manual and to host the vision camp and explore the possible educa(...)


HQ Education Department Annual Report

Apr 17, 2019

DO YOUR BEST TO PRESENT YOURSELF TO GOD AS ONE APPROVED Education Department of HQ By Ron Ward “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has n(...)


Asan, Korea sends out 2 missionaries

Apr 16, 2019

We sent out M. Timothy Chung to Toledo on April 3rd. May God bless him to learn God of America, attending Dr. Paul Hong's class learning English for 3 months. May God lead his futu(...)


UBF Mid Atlantic Staff Conference Program and Information

Apr 12, 2019

Dear UBF coworkers, Our Mid-Atlantic region staff conference will be held May 16-18, at Washington UBF. Please register via this link as early as possible to assist P. Phil(...)
