HQ World Mission Department Report


God blessed the World Mission Department to com​plete the operational manual and to host the vision camp and explore the possible education center and present the 2019 vision camp plan. Five vice-directors worked hard to promote the world mission. Short term mission department made a big progress to support the short term missionaries under M. Richard Choi’s direction. S. Agnes Jordan joined us as the vice director for publication and communication. We are committed to support our new GD Pastor Moses Yoon to carry out his mission for raising up the next generation leaders and sending out missionaries.

I. Purpose

1. The purpose of UBFWMD is to assist UBF general director to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus by sending missionaries based on Matthew 28:19-20.

2. The goals of the UBFWMD are the following:

1) To mobilize, recruit, train, and send missionaries to make disciples of all nations. UBFWMD will function as UBF mission agency within UBF church.

2) To educate missionaries and children of missionaries, native leaders and their children, and church members for their lives of effective evangelism and missions.

3) To secure faculty members and develop education materials, and to build infrastructure like Retreat and Education Centers in order to promote and support silver missions, short-term and long-term missionaries.

4) UBF World Mission Department will hold vision camp to raise up next generation leaders for 2 weeks during the month of July at the location chosen by the chairs and vice-chairs. The operation budget will be submitted to GD each year with the program and location. The main target of the vision camp can be the graduating high school students from all UBF community worldwide.

II. Organization

Chair Jacob Lee

Short Term Missions Richard Choi

Silver Missions Daniel Yang

Program Development Ezra Cho

Manual & Recruit David Kim

Communication and publication Agnes Jordan

Newsletter Kevin Albright, Joshua Min

III. Plan

World mission department has a plan to build retreat and education center to train our next gens and to provide retreat for the current front-line missionaries.

IV. Next Generation Vision Camp 2018

P. Jacob Lee and Washington DC UBF hosted

the first Next Generation Vision Camp during July

30-August 8, 2018 as a pre-ISBC International HQ program. Forty nine young leaders (male 26, female 23) who are mostly in their high school and college years registered for the program. They came from 18 countries as follows:

Continent Number Countries

Asia 12 Korea, Sri Lanka, Cambodia

CIS 13 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Russia

Europe 6 Czech Republic,

Germany, Poland, Greece

Latin America 7 Bolivia, Chile,

Guatemala, Mexico,

North America 9 Canada, USA 

Middle East 2 Qatar 

Together they had Daily Bread devotion, Bible studies, praise and worship, a forum, team activities, camping and tour, listened to lectures and testimonies, and shared their reflections. The following speakers gave lectures for them:

P. Abraham Kim -- God’s Promises and Vision for the Next Generation


196 USA/CANADA Annual Reports

Dr. John Jun – The Spirit of UBF Early Pioneers and Core Values of UBF

Dr. Sam A. Lee – Spiritual Legacy of Dr. Samuel Lee and M. Sarah Barry

P. Jacob Lee – Friendship of David and Jonathan

Abraham Lee – Joseph, a Man of Vision and Faith

Augustine Park – Daniel’s Resolution of Faith: Identity of 2nd Gens

M. David Kim- Vision Identity based on Exodus

Dr. John Lee – The Parable of the Lost Son: Inheriting Spiritual Legacy

Dr. Ezra Cho – Review of the Great Awakenings and Student Volunteer Movement

Dr. Paul Hong – The Great Commission

P. Phillip Brown-Love the Lord your God

V. World Mission Department coordinated the continental world mission night and United World Mission Night for 2018 ISBC International HQ World Mission Department plans to host Next Generation Vision Camp continually on an annual or biennial basis.

Please pray for the world mission department to promote the world mission among all UBF members.

VI. Exploring Report for the possible UBF Missionary Education and Retreat Center Site By Jacob Lee

Joshua 14:7 “I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions,” 

Pastor Moses Yoon sent me to explore possible UBF Missionary Education and Retreat Center in Africa and Latin America. The exploring journey began Nov 5, 2018 and ended Nov 20, 2018. I flew 23, 346 miles and drove 650 miles for 15 days. As we see the rise of second gens and third gens like the waves of the ocean, it is urgent to build infrastructure to educate them as spiritual leaders. This is the report according to my convictions.

1. Short term mission department sent letter to all who pledged for short term and long term mission. Two short term missionary candidates matched: Keagan Callis to Sri-Lanka, Mingon Kim to Belize in the summer.

2. We will send Christmas cards to all missionaries sent from North America with gifts.

3. 2019 Vision Camp- working with European directors for place and price and program in the late July to early August in Germany

4. World Mission Website under construction

5. Possible missionary training center visit - M. Jacob Lee

• Nov. 6-11 Uganda

• Nov. 12-15 Cape Town

• Nov. 17-19 Guadalajara Mexico