UBF News

Prayer for M. Paul Choi of St. Louis

Jun 20, 2019

Please pray for M. Paul Choi of St. Louis, Missouri. He looks fine outwardly, but he is really weak and needs God's continuous protection. On June 19, six co-workers fr(...)


House Church Established in Washington UBF, USA (6/15/2019)

Jun 20, 2019

On June 15, a beautiful wedding was held in Washington UBF, USA, between Joshua K., the son of M. Moses Kim who is the Trenton UBF director in New Jersey, (...)


Short-Term Missionaries Sent to Nicaragua from Chicago, USA

Jun 20, 2019

Chicago UBF just had short-term missionary sending prayer meeting for Karina and Chatelaine! May God give them journey mercy and may they be a blessing to Nica(...)


Prayer Request - Recovery for M. Paul Choi in Saint Louis, U...

Jun 18, 2019

He got a heart attack five days ago. He then had to implant defibrillator through surgery. Now the operation was successful and he is recovering. Please pray for him to serve t(...)


Prayer Request - M. Mary Min's Full Recovery of Her Right Ar...

Jun 17, 2019

On June 17, P. Moses Yoon together with Dr. Augustine and Monica Suh visited M. Mary Min in Chicago.  She is a nurse, however, was injured with her elbow and has(...)


Triton UBF in Chicago Celebrated Their 30th Anniversary (6/2...

Jun 14, 2019

TRITON UBF HAS A VISION FOR NEXT 30 YEARS TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT WORLD MISSION  On June 2, P. Moses Yoon attended Triton UBF Sunday Worship Service (SWS) for their 3(...)


A Short Term Missionary: Jesse D from Shippensburg, USA to K...

Jun 10, 2019

By Dr. Daniel Y Lee He has studied the Bible with us for the last three and a half years. He graduated in May from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania and will start a(...)


Pastor Moses Yoon's update

May 30, 2019

- June 2: Visiting Triton UBF for their 30th anniversary (deliver a SWS message) - June 16: SWS message at Chicago UBF - Canada SBC (Jun 28-July 1) - Vision (8/1-8)/G(...)


Mid Atlantic Region Staff Conference (5.16-18)

May 28, 2019

"God is blessing all of us with his words from the epistle of Titus. In his message, P. Moses Yoon encouraged us to 'set an example for young people' as we preach the gospel to the(...)


ELC (Emerging Leaders Cohort) graduation ceremony in Wisconsin

May 17, 2019

4 ELC Alpha Team graduates: Spencer Luebben, Greg Lewis, Michael Mark, and Nonso Ukeka  


P. Moses Yoon's visiting COD (College of Dupage) ministry with M. David Kim

May 15, 2019

Thank God for the wonderful message and Bible study (Mt 19) led by P. Moses Yoon on 5/10. We were also blessed by M. David's (Former COD director) to our ministry(present director,(...)


Venezuela (Wade and Abigail)

May 12, 2019

The confrontation between coup-power and the government could not stop their wedding. M. Paulus Cha's (Humber, Canada) blessed them with Genesis 12:2-3 (translated by Gustavo) amon(...)
