1 Chronicles 23-27
- Read chapter 23. How did David organize the Levites (the priests included) (1-24)? Why (25-27)? What were the priestly duties (13)? And the Levites’ duties (28-32)?
- Read chapter 24. How did David organize the priests (24:1-19)? And the Levites (the priests excluded)(20-31)?
- Read chapter 25. Who were the leading musicians and in what sense were they special (1-6)? How good were they at singing and how did David organize them (7-31)?
- Read chapter 26. How did David organize the gatekeepers (1-19)? And the treasurers (20-28)? And officers and judges (29-32)?
- Read chapter 27. How did David organize the military divisions (1-15)? Who were appointed as the leaders of the tribes (16-24)? How did David organize his property stewards (25-34)?
- In these chapters, who organized and appointed all the servants and their duties? (2 Chronicles 29:25; 1 Chronicles 24:5,7,31, 25:8-9, 26:13-14) What should be our attitudes toward our great or little duties from the LORD? (Matthew 23:12, 24:45, 25:21; Luke 17:7-10) Think about the worship service in David and Solomon’s time. In what aspects, can we adopt the worship?