UBF News

(USA) North Jersey UBF Ministry Prays to Remain Steadfast in...

Feb 18, 2022

By E*sther Lim God has been gracious in 2021. Here are prayer topics for North Jersey Center UBF: 1. All family members may have daily bible reading, pray sincerely(...)


(USA) New York UBF Remained in Jesus in 2021

Feb 18, 2022

By M*oses Kim “I am the vine and you the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from you, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) 20(...)


(USA) In 2021, God Raised and Trained Many Young Leaders in...

Feb 17, 2022

By M*oses Kim We started 2021 with Philippians Bible study. Thank God for raising up young leaders as messengers - Y*eram Kang (Ph 1), J*oseph Lee (Ph 2), and S*amuel Hong (Ph 3(...)


(USA) Connecticut UBF Studied the Pauline Epistles and Was F...

Feb 17, 2022

 By J*eremiah Lee In 2021, Connecticut UBF continued to study the Pauline Epistles and learned about Apostle Paul's hope in the kingdom of God as well as his struggle t(...)


(USA) Highland Park UBF Put on the Full Armor of God During...

Feb 17, 2022

By J*oseph Sohn Ephesians 6:11 says “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” God blessed us in many ways an(...)


(USA) Durham UBF (New Hampshire) Thanks God for Their House...

Feb 17, 2022

By A*braham Jeong Durham UBF in New Hampshire was pioneered in July 2013, as my family (A*braham and S*arah Jeong) moved from Boston to Durham through my faculty position at Uni(...)


(USA) Chicago UBF February United Friday Meeting Overview

Feb 16, 2022

In February, we met on the first Friday to hear some key verse testimonies, as well as testimonies from the previous three passages. The meeting was on ZOOM and in person. (...)


(USA) God Brought Many Young Thirsty Souls to Columbia Unive...

Feb 15, 2022

By S*amuel Shin Since we lost our Bible house, we have been praying for God’s provision for campus mission. Meanwhile, God sent us his thirsty souls last fall semester.(...)


(USA) Albany UBF Can See God's Faithfulness and Answers to P...

Feb 15, 2022

By J*ohn Jeong In 2013, God opened a way for Missionary J*ohn Jeong to come to Albany, NY as he found an engineering position. Since then, his wife G*race Jeong and their two so(...)


(USA) God Blessed Boston UBF's Student Ministry and New Lead...

Feb 15, 2022

By M*oses Kim Boston UBF started 2021 with a new leadership team formed by Dr. J*ohn Koo, Dr. D*avid Lee and Missionary P*eter Lee, after Pastor Lincoln stepped down in Nov(...)


(USA) Dr. J*ohn Lee is Pioneering Illinois State University...

Feb 09, 2022

By J*ohn Lee Dr. J*ohn Lee of Springfield UBF has been praying to plant a new campus ministry at ISU Bloomington over the past month or two. By God's grace, UBF has b(...)


(NORTH AMERICA) The North American UBF Coordinators had Thei...

Feb 08, 2022

By T*eddy Hembekides Praise God for blessing our first North American Joint Coordinators’ meeting of the year on Sunday, January 30th, 2022 mainly to discuss our thoughts(...)
